Thursday, May 2, 2013

Chatty Kathy

So, my worries for NK having any type of speech delay or issues are now a thing of the past... That little girl is a mocking bird for sure!  I counted the other day about 25-30 words that she says consistently and knows the meaning of.  She has repeated probably 50+ words on command though!

Here are some words (including names) she is saying all the time:
-Mama, mommy
-Tydur (Tyler)
-Mamie, mammy, mimi, nanniemama (these are my mom, who was supposed to be "Granna") We can ask Norah Kate to say Granna and she tells us "No."  She could say it if she wanted to, but she wants to call her something else, so ok.
-Hots (Hoss)
-Eyes, mouth, nose, teeth, toes
-Woof-woof (dog)
-Thank you
-She can repeat almost anything within reason and is picking up new words on a daily basis!

Mama's smart girl :)
She has truly grown from a baby to a toddler and for some reason this is extremely depressing to me.

She is already VERY independent.  She won't let me fed her anymore and we have a daily battle over the toothbrush becaue she wants to do it but don't do it good enough so I have to take over.  There is usually some screaming and tears involved.  She has her mama's temper for sure... Oh boy.

NK is the best little mama.  Yesterday she was rocking and "shushing" her baby.  We can't leave the house without a purse, bracelet, and baby doll.

We have to paint her toenails about 3 times a day on the days I am off... little Diva.

She has also wanted to start wearing my lotion.  When I am putting it on after the shower, she has to have some too.

She has started to hit and this is not so cute.  We are working on it.  She is also a Mine-o-saur, as Matt says.  We are working on this also.

When she gets excited she does this little foot stomp and open and closes her hands very fast while making this super excited face.... I wish I could get a picture or video, it is just too cute.

She goes to bed about 9 and wakes up at about 8 or 9.

She still has a paci at naps, car rides, and bedtime....I am trying to get rid of it.

I asked her what her name was the other day and she said "me."  Haha!

Norah Kate has been throwing things in the toilet.  She threw a candle in the toilet the other day and it got stuck...I thought I was going to have to call the plumber, it took me 3 days to get it out. We have also lost a baby doll to the toilet water :(

She "reads" and I think it is adorable.  She also says "1-2-3" but I don't think she knows what they mean, but it is a start.  She knows them in that order though!

Maybe it is just me, because she is my baby girl, but I think she is extremely smart.

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