Friday, August 8, 2014

Grant- 4 Months Old

So A LOT has happened since BabyBoy's three month birthday!
Starting with a trip to the ER!

It was Saturday, July 5- we had a great Fourth of July and celebrated; he never showed any signs of being sick at all!  He was his usual happy-go-lucky self.  That Saturday morning was pretty weird because went back to sleep that morning around 6 after  nursing and slept until 9:30.  I just thought maybe he was tired because we were out late watching fireworks the night before.  I was holding him while working on some homework and he felt hot, but he is also a hot natured little boy.  We went to my moms around 11 that morning and when I got him out of the carseat he was HOT.  He had also fell right back asleep when we got in the car.  I took his temp and watched the numbers climb.  Yikes!  A temp of 102.  (Let me be honest and say I freaked.)  Even with my nursing background and all, and now almost a Master's degree in nursing, when it comes to my own babes I loss all sense.  I called his pediatrician and she said to give him Tylenol and call her if it didn't go down.  Well, the Tylenol didn't touch it.  I called her back and she said because of his young age and all he probably needed to go to the ER and get worked up. 

So a temp of 103, 4 sticks for an IV, chest x ray, blood work and a urine sample later we were sent home with "it's probably viral."  Which it was, Thank God.  In the back of my mind I figured it was, but didn't want to risk it being something major, so I was glad I took him.  He broke out in a rash two days later after fever.  Roseola.

Grant and his rash :(

Now, if nothing else, this taught me a major lesson if I ever treat children.  The ER doctor treated me like I was the World's Most Stupid Mother.  It shouldn't matter... it shouldn't matter if he was my first child, my fifth child, if I am a nurse or not.  He is MY child and I was concerned. Bottom line.  It's not like I had anywhere else to take him on a Saturday afternoon?!  I was scared to death of exposing him to something in the ER, so it truly was a last resort.  Believe me, Mr. ER Doctor, I would rather spend my money and time ELSEWHERE!



Okay, back to BabyBoy... He recovered from the virus (Praise the Lord), but during his sickness he got ummm... how do I say this.... spoiled.  He now thinks he is supposed to sleep in our bed and nurse on me all night long.  Needless to say, this is about to change. Somehow. Some way.  He had GOT to start sleeping longer stretches at night.  I have tried everything.  I have tried letting him sleep in the swing, rocking him to sleep, letting him go to sleep on his own.  Everything... but plain ole' crying it out.  Which is what it might take, I just don't have the nerve yet.

He has also started to realize when I am in the room.  When I pick him from day care he just smiles and kicks and is so happy to see me.  He will also watch me and whine when I walk of the room.  Sometimes I will catch him just staring at me or Matt and as soon as we look at him he just grins from ear to ear.

What else are we up to?
Obviously not sleeping through the night....yet.
Taking two naps during the day (sometimes a short cat nap in the late evening)
Nursing or taking a bottle (of Mommy's Milk) every 3-4 hours.
Bedtime roughly around 8:30-9pm
Size 3-6 months or 6 months clothes
Size 2 Diapers
Smiling, cooing, laughing, talking
Not screaming as bad in his car seat (THANK YOU JESUS!)
Rolling from back-to-front and front-to-back (he did this for the first time about a week before he turned 4 months)
Weight: 14 lbs 12 oz
Height: 24 1/2 inches
What does Grant like?
Mommy's milk
His paci and fingers
Sophie the Giraffe, teething toys, and Lovie blankets
His coordination is getting better where he can grab stuff and put it in his mouth
Watching the TV (it's not like I let him sit and watch TV but he just stares in awe at it)
He loves being kissed and loved on.  He will just belly laugh.  It is precious. Especially when NK is the one talking to him... which she does... ALL THE TIME.
A pallet.  I think he would rather be on a pallet on the floor than in his swing.
So, I know they say every kid is different, and I now believe it.  Norah Kate and him are really different. One big thing is Norah Kate was hungry for real food at like 3 months, but I held her off until 4 months.  I actually wasn't going to offer it to Grant quite yet, but decided to because I hoped it would help him sleep longer at night.  Well, it might would if he actually liked it.  He hates it.  He won't even open his mouth hardly.  Poor fella gags just when the spoon hits his mouth :(  So far, we have tried rice cereal, sweet potatoes, and bananas.  He doesn't like any of it.  I know it will grow on him eventually.
So I know he looks happy, but only because I was done forcing the spoon in his mouth! haha!

I can't believe how fast this last month has gone by!  That trip to the ER really scared me sweet boy, and really made me put things in perspective.  You and NK are my world, and I would be lost without you!  While things are a little tough and sleep deprived right now, I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING!  Your little smile and sweet personality brightens my day! 
I love you a bushel and a peck!!

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