Sunday, January 10, 2016

Norah Kate is 4!

On December 29 my sweet baby girl turned four!! I still have a hard time with birthdays. It seemed like yesterday I had her.

Poor thing, with her birthday being after Christmas, I feel like it's all overwhelming for her.  Last year, I had her party in February!!! This year, she thought Christmas was her birthday...

We had a small family party the Saturday after her birthday. She wanted a "Princess theme." I didn't do a full-blown Pinterest party this year! We went to Walmart and picked out plates, balloons and decorations.  I bought the cake from Publix.

I rented a bouncy slide and it was sooo much fun!!! For adults and kids!!

She got spoiled for her birthday day. I feel like I am still putting away Christmas and birthday stuff!

what is she up to?

She is wearing size 4T  clothes. She can still wear some 3T things. Some 4T things are a little long.
Her hair is still super blonde and long. It's amazing how much her hair has grown in the last year!!

She LOVES her baby brother. She is like another little mama to him. She wipes his nose and helps him get dressed.  I love when I pick them up from school and they are holding hands, playing together or sitting together.

NK loves to play outside and she loves animals. She tends to Hoss and Princess just like she does Grant. She loves to play school and teacher. She plays with her baby dolls and Barbies and refusing to part with them. She still loves all thing Frozen. She also loves to color and can color inside the lines so good.

She doesn't forget a thing. She can remember things from last year, which is crazy to me. Sometimes she gets mad because she can remember things and I can't and she gets frustrated.

She loves dancing and singing songs. She sings all the time. She is a sponge.  (Right now, we sing Hello by Adele and Do you Want to Build a Snowman.  And we dance to Whip and NaeNae (oh em gee....).  Oh, and we also sing church songs.  Jesus Love Me.  BIBLE.

She knows her alphabet and we are working on letter recognition.  However, with a 3 sec attention span... it's taking time.  We practice on the way to school.  "What starts with ___?"  She loves it and its fun.

Her eyes are a blue green and she is so expressive she talks.

She talks with her hands and often counts things off on her fingers. She sounds just like me when she talks. 

She is also so considerate of others. She loves giving gifts and we often have to fix goodie bags and surprises for family and friends.

She is still very independent and strong-willed. I had to start laying out about 7 outfits on Sunday nights for her to pick from during the week. We were often changing clothes 3-4 times in the mornings. I have truly had to practice "picking my battles."  And I have also become a pro at "no, means no.  don't ask again."

She loves to go places.  And is always asking---"What are we doing today, mama?"  She loves to go on trips.

We still let her sleep in our bed.  Honestly, I have gotten so used to her being there, that I can't sleep good without her.  She is so cuddly.  Matt has her spoiled though because every night she says "scratch my back, Mama."  It used to take forever for her to fall asleep.  Now, she lays right down and is asleep within 10 minutes (note to self:  it WILL get better with time. and the 1-2 hour getting them to go to sleep does not seem to last forever.  Now, though, we are going through it with Grant!!! Yikes.)

She will just hug us out of the blue and tell us how much she loves us.

Right now, when she grows up she wants to be a snowman (true story...) or a nurse ("like you Mama!!").  That was the other answer I got. 

Norah Kate,
Those blue-green eyes are showing me what life is all about.  You are so observant, sassy and sweet.  You are super smart, and sometimes have  a smart mouth.  In the end though, you are so kind and thoughtful.  I pray all the time for you to be kind-hearted as your grow up.  If you stay as independent as what you are now, then I know you will be successful in life (either as a snowman, or a nurse ;)).  Stay sweet little girl.  I love you!!

A bushel and a peck,


  1. This is no joke, I almost cried myself reading this. In fact, I still feel like crying! I just do not know how four years can go by so fast! Norah Kate is such a sweetie! I will forever remember her as being a baby/toddler crawling out of her stroller, repeating "Sassy!", and just the overall cuteness! Love you, friend!

  2. This is no joke, I almost cried myself reading this. In fact, I still feel like crying! I just do not know how four years can go by so fast! Norah Kate is such a sweetie! I will forever remember her as being a baby/toddler crawling out of her stroller, repeating "Sassy!", and just the overall cuteness! Love you, friend!
