Wednesday, December 5, 2012

*11 Months Old*

I always have to recount the months when I am writing these things because 9, 10, 11 months just never seems right.  I mean, I just brought this baby home yesterday right?

Sweet, sweet Norah Kate: 

My oh my are you keeping us busy.  You have grown so much!  I had a "mommy moment" a week or so ago because I was looking back at pictures from the first few months.  I have packed up your swing, walker, and jumper because now that you are RUNNING you don't want anything to do with them!

She wanted to play with it after months of ignoring it when I was packing it up.
(Please excuse my mess in the background!)
I could cry just thinking about it.

If someone would have told me a year ago how crazy I would be about you, or how much I could/would love you... I don't think I could have wrapped my head (or heart) around it.  I was excited to be a mommy, but honestly had no clue.  I still can't put it into words how much joy your bring to my life.

Yes, there are tough days.  Days that I just want to sit in the floor and cry with you.  Or days where I question if I am cut out for this job (because believe me, this is the toughest job ever!).  But overall, when you wrap those little arms around me and pat my back and give me slobbery open mouth kisses... it makes every minute worth it.

What are you up to?

You are such a smart girl.  You can brush your hair, put your arms through your shirt, blow kisses, wave hey and bye.  You love to brush your teeth.  We bought  you a Dora toothbrush and training toothpaste.  You go to town chewing and knawing on that brush!  You have learned to feed Hoss from your highchair and you think it's hilarious.  You know which toys are his and you will shake them at him trying to play.

You love the Christmas tree... a little too much. You have gotten better about only pulling the ornaments off once or twice a day versus every 15 minutes.

You take two 1 hour naps a day, usually around 10am and 3pm.

Bedtime is between 8 and 9pm depending on if Mommy has been at work, and you usually wake up around 7:30am.

Our house hold has pretty well kept a cold for the past 2 months.  We keep swapping the germs back and forth. Despite handwashing, handsanitizer and Clorox wipes we keep getting the crud.

You are still nursing 3 times a day (morning, 2 or 3ish, and bedtime).  I have started introducing a little bit of cow's milk in your sippy cup. Last night you drank a whole sippy cup of cow's milk before bed!  Yay!!  You only take a bottle from Daddy on the mornings I am at work.  Otherwise you drink out of your sippy cup or nurse.  You still refuse nursey in the sippy cup though!

You love all things food!  Your favorite snacks right now are animal crackers, cheese, and yogurt.  You will open the pantry and bring us a yogurt snack and go "mmm mmm."  Haha!  So smart.  About the only food you don't care for too much is corn.  Otherwise you eat everything we eat.  We did find out that chili gives you a tummy ache :(

You are in size 3 diapers and 12-18month size clothes.  Size 4 shoes.

We are in full blown First Christmas and Birthday Party planning mode around here.  Things are very hectic and busy but I love it.

We love  you, Sugar!  We are so excited about this next month!

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