Sunday, January 6, 2013

*One Year Old*

We have officially entered toddlerhood!  And it's like my child knows it!  Suddenly we are Miss Independent.  She wants to feed herself. Bath herself. Help change clothes. Walk all by herself.  You get the picture.

Just because everyone should have a crying picture with Santa :)

Girl, you are too big for Bumbo seat!

Helping us landscape

Go big girl with your skinny jeans at your one year check up!

Fun Facts
-20 lbs 9 oz
-30" long
-Size 12-18 month clothes
-Size 3 diaper
-Six teeth with two more breaking surface on the bottom
-Whole milk in the morning in a bottle
-Watered down juice in a sippy the rest of the day
-Running, dancing, walking backwards (looks like you're moon walking :))
-She loves the talk on the phone.  She will hold it up to her ear and babble away.
-She loves sweet tea.  Straight from the glass!
-She is eating everything we eat
-She can eat a whole banana by herself.
-I have created a cookie monster.  Animal crackers, vanilla wafers, GoldFish Grahams... she loves them!
-She weaned herself from nursie the second week in Decemeber.  At first I thought it was a "nursing strike" but after a week of offering and her refusing, I realized she was done.  It broke my heart more than I thought it would!  I couldn't believe she just weaned herself like that.  I officially quit pumping on her first birthday!  YAY for a year of breastfeeding!!!!!
-Dad-dy, dog, stop ("top"), and Ma-Ma are her favorite words.
-We still have a paci... unfortunately.
-She just threw her very first temper tantrum the other night.  Arms flailing, slapping, kicking, and screaming. Mmmmm... not a pretty sight. At all.  I was so shocked I really didn't even know how to react.  I just kinda froze.
-She loves her rocking chair.  She drags that thing around everywhere.
-She also has a snuggly blanket that she totes around.  I just started letting her sleep with it in her crib since it has been so cold.
Norah Kate,
I love you so so much. More than I could ever even try to put into words. I hope your first birthday was a blast. I hope that one day you understand how much I love you baby girl. Your first year of life taught me so much, and I know that this second year is going to be awesome! You are amazingly smart and beautiful! You are so much fun and bring so much joy in to so many lives. You are my little ray of sunshine!

I love you, Sugar!

Love, Mama

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