Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Short Hospital Stay

Well, I was officially admitted to the hospital overnight for the first time ever.  (Other than having NK, which wasn't because I was sick but because I received a little blessing!)

It started Wednesday at work with a terrible back ache.  Well, I am a pregnant nurse, so my back hurts 95% of the time.  I have gotten used to this dull ache.  As the day went on though, it seemed to get worse.  I just contributed it to over-doing it a little the last couple of weeks and tried drinking more water while I was at work in case I was dehydrated.

I went to bed early Wednesday night and set my alarm to go to the gym before work on Thursday morning.  Well, I was really tired and reset my alarm to wake up just to get ready for work.  This really isn't anything new because the thought of going to the gym is a lot easier/nicer at 9pm than 4:30am!  When I woke up at 5:30, my back was killing me.  It hurt to move and to take a deep breath.  It was too late to call into work and I thought maybe by going I would "work the kinks out."  So I toughed it out.

By 10:00am I was in tears.  I was purely miserable.  My back hurt so bad I couldn't breath and I was having radiating pains in my abdomen (not like contractions, but a dull ache in my muscles).  I left work early (and let me just say this, I hated that part because it was a hellacious day when we were already short-staffed and had 4 nurses taking extra patients and I did NOT want to leave anyone in a bigger mess than they were already in!).  But I was not doing anyone, including my patients, any good.

I left work at 11:30 and went to OB to get checked out.  They hooked me up to the monitor and his heart rate was fine and I was not having contractions. THANK GOD!  They got a urine sample and checked my cervix.  I was still completely closed and thick.  Again... THANK GOD!  Everything seemed fine with Baby Boy!  They checked my vitals and my heart rate was up and I was running a fever.  Well, that explained the aches and pains.

I ended up with a bad bladder infection and had to get IV antibiotics and IV fluids.  I also tested positive for a flu-like virus!  Dang-it.  I had to stay over night to be monitored, have labs drawn, and get my IV meds.

I was really upset because I had Christmas shopping to do, Christmas presents to wrap, baking to do, and we were supposed to go see Santa Claus on Friday!!

I was discharged 24 hours later and am feeling much better.  Still a little sore and achey, but much better compared to Thursday!  Just sent home to rest and drink plenty of fluids.

This was a wake up call for me to slow it down though for sure.  I have been over doing it the last few weeks (which I hate to admit), and mainly because I have felt SO good during this pregnancy.  I mean, on most days, I really don't even feel pregnant.  I didn't really think anything about picking up extra days at work, or waking up early to go to the gym, or staying up late to wrap Christmas presents, write a paper, and do the laundry.  But, I am only 26 weeks pregnant and it is TOO early to even take any chances with Baby Boy coming early!!  He needs to bake for as long as possible!

I am so excited to meet my second little angel, but I can be patient enough to wait a while longer!

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