Wednesday, November 27, 2013

23 Weeks

I can not believe I am over half way through this pregnancy!  It is really scary/exciting/overwhelming!

I am so excited about having another baby, but naturally I worry about how NK will handle having another baby in her mama's lap.

BabyBoy is moving around like crazy.  He still don't seem to be as active as what Norah Kate was though, so maybe he will be more laid back :)

Our last ultrasound was the anatomy ultrasound and I was 21 weeks.  They estimated his weight at 12 ounces and he is most definitely still a boy!  He was measuring 20 weeks and 2 days which they said is normal.

My cravings still include fruit and cottage cheese, but also dark chocolate, hot chocolate, Cranberry Splash Sierra Mist, French toast, eggs, and bacon.

I feel great!  This chiropractor really helped my hip and back.  I have joined the Y because running is more difficult so I am mostly doing the elliptical, stationary bike, squats and lunges (without weights).  I still run some, but it just depends on how bad he is jumping on my bladder as to how well it goes.  So far I have gained 12 pounds which about right on target where I was at this point with Norah Kate :)

I am not near as tired or as moody as what I was the first trimester.

The only negative thing has been pee-ing on myself when I cough, sneeze, or laugh with a full bladder!!  I have been doing Kegel's like crazy but they aren't helping.  I can only imagine how bad it will be with future pregnancies!

I am starting to feel Braxton Hicks more and more... mostly when I work and I think it is because I don't drink enough water (yes, please, slap my pregnant hand... Drinking water is the biggest challenge!)

So far I have done nothing yet to prepare for this baby!  It is so different than with Norah Kate. By this point with Norah Kate I had a whole room full of decorations for her nursery, clothes, etc.  I also had her nursery mentally decorated in my mind and probably would have had her room finished had we been in our house.  I have bought BabyBoy a few outfits, a thing of bottles, pacis, and a few packs of diapers and wipes.  I know now that a newborn requires a lot less "stuff."  We will be just fine with a bassinet or Pack and Play in our room, a few sleepers, and some wipes and diapers! 

My next appointment is December 11 and I have my glucose test (yuck!).  I will 25 weeks then!  Amazing!  It is crazy to think about because then I will have one more appointment before it goes to every two-week appointments which will then make my pregnancy fly by even faster!

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