Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Funny Sayings from NK

Let me just tell ya.. this girl can talk!  She is really starting to get very expressive and it is quite hilarious to me on most days.  Honestly though, I am so used to her talking so good that when she does regress and whine and fuss like a two year old I get frustrated.

NK: Mama, I'm ready!
Me: Ready? For where?
NK: Church.
(This can be said on any given day, not just Sundays.)

NK: Hold you. (Translates into Hold Me).

NK: Show me. (Translates into Show you).  Yes we have pronoun confusion.

NK: (Lifts up my shirt.) Baby brudder in dere!  Hey brudder!

NK: (Hands me her baby) Hold her just a second, k?  I be right back. (Nodding her head the whole time).

NK: Yeah. Um (smacks lips like she is thinking... we are working really hard on "Yes ma'am")

NK: Eek!  A sizzard! (lizard)

NK: (in a deep, creepy voice) Dere's a 'pider in dere. (There's a spider in there!)

NK: Hossy! 'Mere! Sit! 'Ay down! Bood boy (good boy).

NK: Baby cryin'.  It needs a paci.

NK: Awe wee.

NK: You hurt?  I fiss it (I fix it/kiss it, not reallll sure because she kisses the "boo-boo".)

NK: Bwankwet (blanket)  Her "l"s are funny to me because she has a hard time saying them but when she does she really rolls her tongue out very dramatically.  My brother used to do the same thing.

NK: I get it.  (She says this with an insistent look on her face, while nodding, usually for stuff she knows she is not supposed to have like more candy, my make up, Hoss's food, etc.)

NK: Ew. Gross.

NK: I 'cared (scared)!  (She says this with a "scary" look on her face.)

The other day she was driving down the drive way in Matt's lap.  What's the first thing she does?  Tries to turn the music on of course!

We were at Mama's a few weeks ago (by the way, she still has not named my poor Mama... she calls her Granna and Mimi pretty equally, so we jokingly call my mama GrannaMimi.  We were joking that my next baby will name Mama, but for real, I think he will have to!)  Anyways, Norah Kate was watching the Wizard of Oz (very, intently, which was weird because she would not sit still and watch anything!) and she runs in the other room to get Papa.  Meanwhile, she runs across a bug.  Well, instead of freaking out my daddy is telling her to stomp on it.  She tries to stomp on it but couldn't because she was barefoot, so without being told she ran put her shoes on as fast as she could and then stomped on the bug.  Then she spit on it.  Oh. My. Goodness.  The funniest thing I had ever seen.  Of course I couldn't get my phone to record this event until the very end.  It was priceless!

Her new thing is "tattling."  For instance, I get on to her for something so then she runs to Matt and points a me and says "Ugh. Mama!"

NK: Dopen it! (Open it, she adds a "D" to open for some reason).

Me: It's cold in here, Norah Kate.
NK: Put your jacket on, Mama.

I know this isn't funny. And I swear I never thought kids really did this because it is a really bratty thing but it caught me so off guard that I didn't know what to think.. but NK has starting blowing "rasberries" (you know, sticking her tongue out and blowing making a spitting sound) when she doesn't get her way or get in trouble.  I hope we out grow this one fast!

Okay, last one.

Me: Night, night Norah Kate.
NK: Night, night.
Me: I love you.
NK: Lub you.
(The sweetest, most precious words any mama can hear :))

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