She is really quite hilarious. I swear, the stuff she says is so funny.
Norah Kate is talking SO good. She can say and knows words that I feel like are advanced. Her articulation is really good too, except when she gets excited and things kinda run together. She can also be very convincing with her statements. For example:
My Mama: Norah Kate, you need to settle down for a nap.
NK: Ummm... my mama and daddy said... I don't have to take a nap. (haha!! yeah right! that girl knows she is supposed to take naps!)
Jori: NK, what do you want to drink?
NK: Coke. I like Coke.
(Again, she knows that she isn't allow to drink Coke. She is a mess!)
What is she up to?
More or less, what is she not up to?
She can run, jump, climb up stuff, open the freezer and refrigerator, go get stuff.
She will do small little chores like picking up her toys, taking something to her room, putting stuff in the trash or sink.
She can dress herself. With this has come some new found independence of wanting to pick out her own clothes. She is going through a stage of wanting to wear regular clothes to bed (picking my battles on this one).
We moved a full size bed in her room and I am in the process of re-doing the theme/colors. We lay down with her at night though to get her to fall asleep, but overall our sleeping arrangements are MUCH improved!
She can sing "Jesus Love Me, Jesus Loves The Little Children, Father Abraham, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle, and her ABCs."
She is recognizing colors- she still gets some confused though.
She has started naming her baby dolls. We have Mollie, Sadie, Mr Giant and PrettyGirl?
We take a baby doll with us EVERYWHERE we go. I have my baby (Grant) and she has hers.
Her memory is sharp. She can remember if/where she left something at GrannaMimi's house/my car/Stephenies etc.
Instead of "I forgot" it's "I almost got"
I gave her another hair cut myself about 3 weeks ago... it was kinda scary.
We are utilizing time outs and spankings a lot less... she is really well behaved. Every once in a while she will throw a fit or be really whiney, but usually its late in the evenings.
She wakes up with her go britches on... we are supposed to get ready and go somewhere within the first hour of her being awake.
She likes driving her "Barbie Jeek" (Barbie jeep)
She has learned to use my iPhone. uh-oh.
She is in size 2T or 3T clothes depending on brand/style.
WE ARE OFFICIALLY POTTY TRAINED!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started two weeks ago (when the Almanac said it was a good time) and just broke down and took her out of the pull-ups, set my timer, and put her in panties. I have ONLY been trying for a YEAR (off and on). I would always try for a couple days, but I think I always gave up too soon and I really think there is something with that Almanac doings.
The first day was a mess... she would sit on the potty and not go, then pee in her panties 30 seconds later. The second day was a little better... the third day about the same. Then honestly, by the 5th day she was coming to me and telling me that she needed to go pee-pee. She can pretty well do everything on her own, except wash her hands. I was afraid poo-poo was going to be the worst part, because she always kinda had a phobia of pooping in the potty and would scream if we tried to put her on the potty to poo poo. I really think though that after the second time pooping in her panties she didn't like seeing her panties/clothes messed up. So she would come and get me after that and go on her own! Yay!!! So if I could offer any advice (not that I am an expert seeing as it only took me a year to figure it out! haha!) but I think panties did the trick for us... she could feel when she was wet much more so than in pull ups and she didn't like being dirty. I also had to pray for patience every day and not scold her when she had an accident (which was something I shamefully admit I had done in previous attempts). She is so PROUD of her panties now and she gets a trampoline for her prize!!
Norah Kate,
You are so smart and so sweet. You warm my heart so much when you give me a big kiss and tell me "I loves you!" You really have a kind, tender heart and don't like to see people upset. I hope you remain kind, and that I can teach you how to be a genuinely, sweet girl. You are so well-behaved and people tell me that all the time. You are my whole heart Baby Girl, and mama and is SO proud of you. You already take such good care of your little brother. I am always amazed at how much you know and pick up on.
Love you a bushel and a peck!