Thursday, July 3, 2014

Movie Date

Today was one of those days that I wish I could bottle up the memories and feelings and tuck them away somewhere very special.  Life has been so hectic for us all lately between me being in school and clinicals and Matt farming tobacco, it's been a mad house around here.

I have been wanting to do something really fun and special with Norah Kate because she just makes me so proud.  She is so smart and so sweet to her brother so she deserves some special, fun time :)

I thought she was at the age where she might would be able to sit through a movie, so I decided earlier in the week to take her to the movies today.

We went and saw How to Train Your Dragon 2.  It was a super cute movie and she seemed to really enjoy it.  My mama and sister came with us and NK sat so still through most of it!!  She played musical chairs a little, but was overall very good for a 2 1/2 year old!!

Grant slept through most of the movie and then woke up and nursed and napped a little longer.  He woke up though the last 30 minutes and was watching it super mesmerized!  It was cute!

It couldn't have gone ANY better!

Afterwards we went and ate frozen yogurt at LaBerry. 

Tonight was also the last night of vacation bible school at my church and NK had been asking all day to go, well bless her heart, she was so worn out she fell asleep on the way.  I didn't have the heart to take her home so we took her on in.  She slept through most of the program but at least she woke up at the end and was able to sing some of the songs.  (She has hit this stage where she will pitch a ROYAL FIT if we are supposed to go somewhere but she goes to sleep and I take her home.  When we get home she is usually ill as everything....)

It was overall just a really special day that I hope I remember for a long time.  I sure do love spending days with my babies!!

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