Thursday, July 3, 2014

Grant 3 Months Old

So, this a couple weeks late, but my sweet baby boy has turned 3 months old!!

It continues to amaze me how much babies change from birth in just a matter of months.  They get so much more social, stronger, and just overall BIGGER.

We took Grant to meet a new playmate that was born this week and I was reminded how quickly they grow.  Grant was that small just a few weeks ago!! Crazy!  Now he looks huge.



What are we up to?
Wearing size 2 diapers and 3 month size clothes (and filling them out!!)
Rolling on to his side (not completely over yet, and I am ok with that!)
Nursing every 3 hours.
Two to three naps a day, depending on how quiet it is.  Sometimes they end up being short cat naps.
Sleeping from 8pm to somewhere between 2 or 4am then nursing and going right back to sleep.
Smiling, laughing, cooing
Screaming in our carseat
Sleeping in our swing at night
Loving his sister, all she has to do is talk to him and he grins.
Sucking your thumb/fingers.  You change it up.
What Mama loves most about me?
Your sweaty little frog feet
You big 'ole smile and dimples
That sweet little giggle
Your roly poly legs!
How have my looks changed?
Your eyes are a greenish/grayish brown.  I have no idea what color they are gonna end up.  Brown like Mama's or green like sisters?
You are still tan as can be.  Gonna have olive skin like Mama.
You are thickening up big time!  I can't wait to see how much you weigh!  You were 12lbs 4oz at your 2 month check up (a month ago!)  I am guessing about 15lbs now.
You have lost a whole lot of hair, but what's there is still dark.
This boy nurses like a champ and my milk supply is holding up great since starting school/work/clinicals.  I nurse him every three hours and he takes 4 ounce bottles every 3 hours at the baby sitter.  She said she could set her clock by him.
He started sleeping in his swing "on accident."  I had him sleeping in a cradle thing by our bed, but he would only sleep for 3 hours at a time.  Well, when I started clinicals life was pretty chaotic.  So I put him in his swing one night while I was packing up for the next day and he fell asleep (around 8pm).  I hated to move him, so I just let him sleep.  He slept until 2am then when right back to sleep after nursing! Heck yeah for a 6 hour stretch!  Needless to say, that is where he goes to bed now.  I will break bad habits later, but Mama is just too tired to fight it right now.  He gets a bath around 7-7:30 pm them I nurse him and we usually falls asleep around 8-8:30 in his swing.  He sometimes will sleep until 4am!  Everyone once in a while though we have weird nights where he and NK wake up off and on all night (fortunately they are few and far between).  He has slept completely through the night (I think it was like 10pm-8am) only once.
As a reminder to myself for the next baby, Grant formed his on little schedule on his own around 10 weeks old.  He started getting sleepy at 8 and started sleeping in his swing for good stretches around this time.
He laughed (like a big belly laugh) out loud for the first time right around third month birthday.
He is getting a lot stronger on tummy time and can hold his head up really good, but doesn't like this for very long.
Mama and Daddy love you so very much sweet boy.  You are just as amazing as your sister.  You two are my whole heart, and I thank God so much for my two little blessing.  I feel bad sometimes because life is so chaotic right now, that you and your sister are on this crazy rollercoaster ride.  But just know that I am going back to school now to try and make things better for you both.  Only a few more months, Buddy, and it will be better.  You are such a "go with the flow" baby and are so laid back and content (except in your carseat) and I tell people all the time that I don't know how I got so lucky with you and your sister. Now, stop growing so fast and stay my baby boy forever!
Love you a bushel and a peck!

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