Friday, February 24, 2012

8 weeks old!

Norah Kate turned 8 weeks old yesterday!  I am not believing how time fast has gone by, nor am I liking it.  Sometimes at night when I am nursing her, I just stare at her- trying to memorize every little thing.

So what are we up to you ask? 

We are smiling big, almost laughing out loud (right now it is more of a grunt or squeal when she thinks something is funny), almost rolling over (she can get on that side pretty good), and growing like crazy.  We are in size 0-3 month clothes and really filling them out. 

What does she love?
  • She loves her little lamb play pillow/mat thing.  We lay it on the floor and she will lay there and look around.  She is starting to really take things in.  If she isn't sure of something, she will furrow her brow in the cutest way (that is when she looks the most like her daddy!). 
  • She loves to be sang to.  Bless her heart, because I can't carry a tune in a bucket, mostly I hum.  When I do sing, Matt laughs because I make up words and combine songs together.  When she is fussing in her carseat I can turn the music up (not super loud) and she will quit right on down and listen to the music.
  • She loves a mobile.  She has one on her swing and a portable one on her changing table.  She smiles so big at those birds and butterflies.  It is just precious!

Are we sleeping through the night? 
  • Nope.  We were... for about a week.  Now we are all of schedule.  Sleeping for 3-4 hour stretches and nursing like crazy.  Hopefully it is a growth spurt.  I have been tweaking a few things in our routine to try to get her to sleep a little better... so when I find what works I will be blogging all about it.  She is still sleeping  in her basinet in our room.

How much are we eating? 
  • About 5 ounces or so (when I pump, she may be taking a little more or less when I breastfeed) every 3-4 hours.  That girl knows she loves her nursie (that's the name Matt came up with for breastfeeding/eating).  When she starts fussing while he has her he will holler out, "Katie, it's nursie time!!"  Priceless :)

What makes her mad? 
  • Not getting told she is pretty.  You see, any time someone is in the room they are supposed to be talking to her, telling her how sweet and how pretty she is.  She loves the attention.  When she isn't getting it, or feels ignored ,she lets you know. 
  • We don't like tummy time too much, she gets cranky. 
  • We also don't like when nursey is interupted for a burping.  Norah Kate eats like her daddy and acts like her mama.  Don't you dare make her wait on food, and once you give it to her don't try to take it away!
  • Jillian Michaels.  No joke, I can turn on that workout video even if she is sound asleep, she starts fussing.  She don't like me working out to that video for some reason.  I usually have to do a circuit, then sooth her, then do another circuit.  So what should be a 30 minute work out, usually turns into an hour.  Not that I blame her though, sometimes I want to mute Jillian Michaels myself.
She goes to the doctor Tuesday, so I can't wait to get an official weight on her.  According to our scales at home she is 11.6 pounds.  Mama's big girl!  While I am looking foward to watching her grow, I just wish it would take twice as long :)

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