Wednesday, August 8, 2012


So, today has been one of those "poor pitiful me" and glass of wine kind of days.

I woke up exhausted because NK woke up three times during the night last night, which isn't like her at all.

My milk supply has been dropping  which always gets me stressed out because I am not quite ready to switch to formula yet.

Norah Kate was having a clingy day today and I know that she was feeding off of my energy.  I was grumpy to say the least.  I napped with her every time she slept today and have been eating like crazy and drinking plenty of fluids trying help out my milk supply.  My plan was to pump every two hours, but she would not let me put her down hardly any today and when I did she was fussy.

I go to dayshift Friday which has me a little stressed out I think.  I have no clue why I am stressed about that, but I have been having nightmares about my transition for a couple of weeks now.  I am also really restless when I am sleeping.  I keep waking up really panicked feeling in the middle of the night.

By the time Matt got home tonight I was practically in tears and very frustrated. I sit down to blog about my troubles and almost have to laugh at myself.  I have so much to be thankful for... so instead of whining about what may being going wrong, I am going to list things that are going right.

  1. I have a beautiful, healthy daughter who has my whole entire heart!  Even on the days she is clingy and whiney, I need to embrace the fact that she wants me and is dependent on me right now.  I need to stop being so darn selfish because there will be a day where she don't want anything to do with me.
  2. My husband loves me.  God bless him, because I know that I am a hormonal nagging mess. So for him to still love me and call me beautiful is just a blessing in its self.  Even if he don't pick up his dirty dishes or mow the grass... he puts up with my craziness and is a WONDERFUL father!  So many woman are married to complete butts that are lazy and do drugs or drink and are emotionally or physically abusive.  My hubby is a wonderful provider and has a loving heart.
  3. I have a supportive and loving family.  I am so close with both Matt's family and my own. My mama is my best friend, and I don't know what in the world I do without all of them!
  4. I have a JOB!  Not to mention, I have a job that is for the most part rewarding; a job that I enjoy going to on most days.
  5. I am healthy!  No illness that I wake up and face every day.  Thank you God!
  6. I have a beautiful home.  I am so proud to have a roof over my head and absolutely love our house!
  7. I have a bright future and many things to look forward to.  Unlike a lot of people in todays time, there is no reason for me to dread tomorrow.
I look on Facebook and see a lot of people who post about how miserable they are and rant and nag about their husbands or their kids and I NEVER want to be that person!  I hope that even on my worst days I can be optimistic.  I have sooo much to be grateful for, and could kick myself now for even feeling sorry for myself today.

Being wife is hard, being a mother is harder, but you could not give me any amount of money in the world for me to trade places!  Count your blessings and you may just realize how good you got it :)

"A happy heart makes the face cheerful" Proverbs 15:13

Thanks for listening!

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