Friday, April 18, 2014

Big Sister NK

Norah Kate has been a wonderful big sister.  She really is helpful and already amazes me with what she knows about Grant.

At the hospital she had to check him over good.  It was so sweet.  She asked a million questions about him.  It also amazed me that once he was here she never looked or talked to my belly.  She immediately made the connection that he was here now and not in my belly anymore.

She was very curious about him nursing.  We told her from the beginning that he could only have "mommy's milk."  Since then she is still curious when I feed him or when I have to pump.  She wants to watch and I let her... hopefully I am setting a good example and she will want to breastfeed her babies (way later down the road).

When he is crying she comes running to me- "mama!  him hungry!"  She don't like for him to cry either.  If I am getting a shower, or cooking and he starts to fuss she will yell to me that he is crying.  The other day he started crying in his carseat and she was trying to unbuckle her carseat to get to him.

She will turn his music on his bouncy seat for him and talk to him in the sweetest voice.

"Heeeeey brudder/buddy/big man/baby Grant!"
"Ahhh boo"

She gives him lots of kisses.

Several times I have caught her trying to "get" him.  She will say "I get you." when he is crying.  Poor Grant.  I have to rescue him.

She loves to help me.  She has put a chair in every room so that she can help me bathe him, change him, feed him, etc.

She can be helpful about going to get things for me (socks, burp cloth, diaper, wipe).  She also likes to take the liberty of changing his socks, wiping his face, putting his hats on his head (all these things are within her reach so she will go get them).  She forces him to take a paci.  She has tried to share her food several times but we just keep reinforcing "only mommy's milk."

She is still very protective over him and don't like to share him too much with other people.  She also gets a little jealous if people don't address her first. When people came those first few days at home and asked how they could help I would get them to take her outside or spend special time with her OR watch Grant so that I could go play outside with her for a few minutes.  It seemed to really help her feelings that first little bit.  We had a tough time the first day or two because my body wasn't quite ready to pick her up or hold her...and she just didn't understand that... but fortunately I healed quick!

I usually am nursing him or rocking him with them both in my lap.  Morning times are a little rough because she wants my direct attention.  No sharing.  Good thing Grant goes right back to sleep after nursing because then me and NK get to watch cartoons and drink our coffee together.

Other new/interesting things with NK:
-She is suddenly "scared" of things (the dark, the wreath on the front door, monsters).
-She is cutting her bottom two 2 year molars (bless her and my heart!)
-She will tell stories "The other day... ummm... so, but," it is quiet hilarious.
-She can still be very defiant and will act out for attention.  Time out has been re-introduced.
-She thinks she can sleep in the basinet or the baby swing.  She also likes Grant's bouncy seat and car seat.
-She likes to be told stories.  This has started this week.  We had gone to Valdosta and she was extremely ill on the way home (seriously her and Grant both were SCREAMING) so I said very dramatically, "Norah Kate, let me tell you a story!" and she was instantly distracted... now I have to tell stories a lot :)
-She likes to give kisses and hugs.  She will tell us she loves us and misses us.
-She will sometimes tell me thank you for sweet/random things.  "Mommy!  Thank you SO MUCH for washing my blanket!"  Haha!  Never a dull moment.
-We went a few weeks of me being "Mom" and Matt being "Matt/Dad" (this was before Grant was born).
-She wants to "save" stuff.  "Norah Kate, that is enough candy."  "Okay, mama, I save it!!"  So then she goes an puts it in her kitchen where she has access to it when she wants it.  Which is usually a few minutes later.
-Everything is "my do it" "norah kate's turn" "norah kate's toy" "that's norah kates" (hence the chairs and stools in every part of the house, so that she can "do" stuff)
-Potty training is a disaster.  I may have to do a separate blog about this.  She is just stubborn and sometimes will be dry all day and then there will be days where I am carrying her kicking and screaming to the potty.  It is still a work in progress.  This week is a good week to potty train per the Almanac so wish me luck!
-She loves to exercise.  I did Insanity yesterday only because all day she kept saying "Exercise Mama!  Exercise!"  Talk about motivation!  She even ran and put her tennis shoes on and exercised with me.  She was super pumped up about it. 
-She enjoys putting puzzles together (or rather watching someone else put her Minnie Mouse puzzle together).

Norah Kate,
You are being a wonderful big sister!  Mama is so proud of you and loves you SO much.  You are such a great helper.  Thank  you for being so sweet to mommy and patient with mommy while I have to take care of baby brother.  I know this time has been hard for you too.  Things will get smoother around here I promise!

I love you Baby Girl!

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