Monday, April 28, 2014

Conversations with My 2 Year Old: A Trampoline

Norah Kate is really talking... I mean REALLY saying a whole lot of sentences, stories, and she is also listening to a whole lot of stuff too (time to start spelling out words and watching which conversations we have in her presence!)

It's funny to me how she will ask questions or make remarks that let me know she was listening to a conversation I had with Matt or my mama... Of course not that it's bad stuff or anything but she is very observant.

She has starting asking me:
What you looking, Mama? What are you looking at, Mama?

Who you talking? Who are you talking to?

Why you laughing?

I don't know why but it's so funny to me when she asks me this stuff.  Curious little girl.

It shouldn't surprise me that she talks so much because, bless her heart, I have talked to her pretty well non stop since she was born... Just about any and everything.

Anyways, the most recent conversation that really tickled me went as follows:

Earlier that day she was looking through a flyer that came from Toys R Us with the trampolines and pools and outside toys. Later that night I was getting out of the shower and she was walking in the bathroom.
NK: you hear me, mama?
Me: what is it baby?
NK: I want a trampoline! (Imagine the sweetest little face and voice asking you this.)
Me: you do?
NK: uh-huh. And a pool. And a balloon. A Mickey Mouse balloon!
Me: Oh wow. Ok then. Anything else?

Uh oh Daddy! We are in BIG trouble now. She has learned to ask for what she wants! I sure love that little girl and my funny conversations with her!

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