Saturday, July 18, 2015

Grant is 1!!

Grant turned ONE on March 20!  I can't believe how fast his first year went by.  I can't help but feel that he got "gipped" a little bit because I was in school and super stressed for most of his first year.  It's all for the best though.

I had to work on Grant's birthday this year, but bought him a "smash cake" from Harvey's.  He DUG IN.  He LOVED it! I sent cookies with him to "school" that day for his little class to celebrate him, but they called around lunch and he was running fever and had some diarrhea (they are supposed to be sick on their birthday right?  I think that is an unwritten rule somewhere.) We celebrated as our small little family of four.  It was perfect.  I held him tight before bed that night.

A few weeks later we had a "Construction Themed" party.  It was SO cute.  It was supposed to be outside at the playground at the state park.  It rained CATS AND DOGS that day though!  We were in a dry spell, so even though it altered his party a little, we were grateful for the rain.

We got Grant a big dump truck and he LOVED it.  He wasn't walking yet, but he pushed it around and sat in it.  His favorite was sitting in it and letting others push him.

He got another smash cake at his party and tore into that one too.  He is such a happy baby boy.

Grant started walking about a month after his birthday.  I know it's terrible, but I can't remember the exact day?  He had been taking "steps" for months.  Probably a good 3 months, and then it was just like one day he realized he could really walk.  He never did fall.  I think that is why I  can't really remember, because he started with a step, then a couple days later two, then three, then walking from the sofa to the loveseat, then running through the house over a period of several months. 

He is still small.  In the 6th percentile for height.  We also found out he was anemic shortly after his first birthday... so he was on iron.  But looking at him he has little fat rolls on his legs and arms.

Grant nursed until he was about 14 months old.  He got to where he would just nurse on one side, and only in the mornings.  It was a sad day when he didn't want to anymore :(:(

He is in size 12 months shirts and size 9-12 month shorts/pants. He is in size 5 shoe now.

Grant is ALL BOY.  He hits.  He loves to eat.  He plays with tractors and loves all things trucks and dogs.

He is also still a Mama's boy.  In the same though, he cries when his Daddy leaves him.  He loves to ride on the Ranger.  He adores both of his Papas (and the feeling is mutual.)

He is sleeping all through the night.  As a matter of fact, on the weekend he will sleep until 10-10:30?????  I can lay him down in his crib at 8:30-9:30 and he goes right to sleep. (He is not sleeping in our bed, thank Goodness.... Because I don't know how much more we could fit in our bed.)

He loves milk and is a cookie monster.

Grant also has a TEMPER.  Whew, he can get mad.  When he gets mad he hits me or himself.  He will also grunt until he is real red in the face.  I can also roll his bottom lip out farther than any other baby I think.  I know I shouldn't laugh, but it is funny when he does it.

He can say hey, bye, dog, mama, daddy, Papa, and this.  He isn't talking a lot, but I know it will come.  He knows what a lot of things are, because if I tell him to go do something, or get something he does.

You are a sweet boy.  And so handsome.  It has been so much fun watching you grow.  I can not believe you are over a year old.  Your first year went by so fast.  I am so proud of you.  I can't believe you are considered a toddler now.  You will always be my baby though.
I love you a bushel and a peck!

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