Monday, July 23 was a busy day!! We started off the morning with a wellcheck for Grant and Norah Kate. After that, we went and they had a dentist appointment. I think I had most of my 10,000 steps in by lunchtime!! My mama, sister, Grant and NK went and ate lunch at Longhorn's. I had very little appetite at this point. My sister took the kiddos back to the house and Mama and I went to my check up.
I went for my 38 week check up 1:30. My OB told me the week before she would strip my membranes if I wanted at my next check up. Because Baby T was measuring so big (keep in mind Baby T was measuring 7lb 4 oz 4 weeks prior!!) and I was having so many contractions, I was really ready to get this show on the road. I also did not want to have to be induced and I wanted Baby T to come in the next week or so because 1. ) I had already started maternity leave and 2.) the kids start school Aug 6!
She stripped my membranes and told me to go walk. We also discussed doing another ultrasound, but at this point I felt like Baby T was healthy, but big and I didn't want to know how big if I was going to have to push him/her out! haha!! So I decided against and ultrasound.
Let me just say this about the membrane stripping.... it was not comfortable. The things we do for childbirth... I just sucked it up and told myself if it would get things going it was worth it!! I will also say, membrane stripping is not going to put you in labor if things are not "ready." Kind of like walking! If things are starting, it definitely helps.
We left my appointment at 2:00pm and Mama and I went to the mall to walk (it was the coolest place we could think of). I am sure people thought we were crazy. I would go to one end of the mall and do squats. At first, I just felt crampy and generally uncomfortable I think from my pelvic exam more than anything. After about 30-45 minutes of power-walking and squatting, I started to feel that "tightening sensation." It gradually grew into pressure. I waited a little bit before I started to time them because I didn't want to jinx anything!!
Once I realized these were contractions, I did rub a little Clary Sage on the pressure points above my ankles to hopefully keep things going. By 3:00, contractions were 5-7 minutes apart and more pressure/tightening than anything uncomfortable. We kept walking until 4:00 which ended up being about 2 1/2 miles (at this point I was at about 4 1/2 miles for the day!!). We left and got a smoothie. It was funny, because we were in line at Smoothie King and it was taking FOREVER. I got out of the car and started walking around the car because I didn't want my contractions to stop!! We left Smoothie King and went to my friend, Erica's, house. (Erica is my nurse at work, and we were just days apart in a due date!! We found out we were pregnant within a week of each other, went into preterm labor within days of each other and had our babies within days of each other!! Talk about cycle sisters...) Erica had a yoga ball at her house, so I went and sat/rocked/bounced on the yoga ball for about 30 minutes.
My OB wanted to see me back at 4:30-5 to recheck me. I was "good 4cm" and about 80% effaced. She stripped my membranes again, which was much more tolerable to second time. She felt certain she would see me at the hospital around midnight ;)
Immediately after the second exam, my contractions picked up to about 3-4 minutes apart and were much more "crampy" and uncomfortable. Good! These were "working contraction."
Mama and I went home and I walked some more and bounced/rocked on my yoga ball. I continued to do squats. The contractions were definitely coming on strong and regular. I know it sounds crazy, but it was such a welcomed feeling!! After being in prodromal labor for 4 weeks, I was so ready to meet my sweet baby!! I was feeling more pressure with each contraction. I tried to focus on the "pressure" rather than any kind of pain.
My mother in law came over and Matt got home probably around 7. I continued to do some chores around the house.
I focused on deep breathing and imagined my cervix opening up. It was kind of a running joke regarding cervical dilation. The night before, I found a chart on Pinterest comparing cervical dilation to different foods. My goal was cookie, which was about 5 cm, then a donut which was 8 cm and a bagel which was 10cm! (Don't judge, I had to keep finding light and humor in the situation! I honestly think it helped).
Mama and I walked the driveway at about 9:00pm. We still had a small amount of daylight left. At this point, my contractions were 2 minutes apart, lasting about 45-60 seconds. My pain was still very much bareable, but I was getting a little nervous about getting to the hospital in time. I did not want to wait around too late and deliver in the car!
I went in and got a bath and the bathtub felt SO good!! I soaked in the tub for about 30 minutes and was still having good, strong contractions.
After the bath, I did a few last minute things around the house and loved on the kids before they went with my sister in law. I have to admit, I got really anxious there for a few minutes. I cried when the kids left. Grant got in ants and was all out of sorts about leaving. He cried. I cried. When I lost my "zen" the contractions definitely got more painful and I could feel myself losing control a little bit, this also made the car ride very uncomfortable. I prayed and listened to music on the way to the hospital. I also rubbed some Serenity on my wrists to help me find my zen again. By the time we made it to the hospital, I felt very calm and relaxed.
I went to OB triage at about 11pm and was still having contractions 3-4 minutes apart. I was 4-5 cm!! yay for progress!!
They went ahead and admitted me. The nurses wanted to monitor me for at least an hour to make sure the baby's heart rate was ok. I was perfectly ok with this, but I have to say, I could tell my contractions were not working as much when I was confined to the bed... They were coming on regular though and Baby T looked fantastic.
When my hour was up (and believe me, I was watching the clock), they unhooked me and let me up to do my thing. My nurses were amazingly supportive. I told them I wanted minimal interventions. They did a saline lock IV (for emergency purposes, just in case.) and wanted to monitor the baby every few hours for at least 30 minutes.
I tried to rotate my laboring positions. I would walk for about 15-30 minutes, then rock on the yoga ball. I found the ball to be SO helpful in labor. I would do figure 8's and hip circles on the ball. I would also get on my knee and lay over the ball. This position felt like it worked a lot!! I would feel A LOT of pressure with contractions in this position. It got to a point where I could no longer walk or talk through contractions. I focused on deep breathing.
My mantra was "you can do anything for a minute." I also kept focusing on "pressure, not pain."
It was a long night of walking and rotating labor positions. I tried to change positions/activity every 30 minutes or so. I was able to catch a few cat naps between contractions at around 4:30. When they checked me at 4:30 I was 5cm. I was a little discouraged because there was small progress in so many hours. The nurse said the head was much lower, so that was a good thing.
At 6:30, they wanted me back on the monitor for a bit. I did NOT like being hooked up to the monitor or being confined to bed. The contractions hurt worse and I could not get comfortable. Just the pressure of the straps on my belly were bothersome. But, I did want to make sure Baby T was safe... At this point I was 6cm. Slow progress, but progress. My water still had not broken.
At around 7, I was able to get off the monitor and move around a bit. My contractions were quit uncomfortable, but not unbearable. At 7:30 my OB came and did a check. I was still 6cm, but my water broke! At first, it felt better having some of that pressure relieved. I will be honest, I was a little scared because I remember how much those contractions intensify once the water is broken.
After my water broke, things picked up quickly. They wanted me on the monitor for a bit just to make sure Baby T tolerated losing his cushion. After about 30-45 minutes, I started feeling A LOT of pressure with my contractions... up until this point I was still laughing and joking between contractions. Now, I needed things very quite. Between and during contractions. I found myself getting the most relief from low-pitched sighs during contractions. I used the time between contractions to focus and pray and imagine my cervix opening up. I was definitely "in the zone." Some contractions I tolerated better than others.
By 8:15 I was in a lot of pain and feeling SO MUCH PRESSURE with each contraction. My contractions were lasting well over 90 seconds each and were coming one on top of each other (hello, Transition) . I was also very nauseated and felt like I was losing control. They checked me again and I was still a 6. At this point, I was exhausted and felt very defeated. I had been awake for over 24 hours...I had reached my breaking point. I asked for the epidural. I remember thinking, if I was going to be stuck at a 6 for hours more, I could not stand the pressure with those contractions... I was crying and praying and kept saying " I can't do this! "
They went ahead and started my fluid bolus and called for the epidural. Now, in my mind, I knew it would take an hour for the bolus to come in and then we would have to wait on anesthesia. I think, somewhere deep in the back of my mind, I knew there would never really be time for an epidural.
I got up and went to the bathroom (under strict instructions to "not to push, I don't want to go fishing for babies today!!" haha!!) I relieved some pressure off my bladder and got back to the bed. Let me just say, this position change was the BEST thing I could have done.
At 8:45 I was a 7, but could stretch to an 8. I caught my second wind. I knew I was going to be able to do this WITHOUT the epidural. (which is good thing because I don't even know if much of my fluid bolus had gone in!!).
I really think it was God that told me to get in this position, but at the time it gave me tremendous relief! |
I changed positions and got on my knees with the head of the bed up and kind of layed over the back of the hospital bed. I was having to pant through the contractions at this point because the pressure and urge to push through the contractions were so intense. Honestly, this was the hardest part for me. The urge was SO SO strong, but I knew I would damage and prolong things if I pushed too soon.
By 9am, I was a 9 and was involuntarily pushing with contractions. There was no more controlling that urge. I was trying to pant and blow to keep from pushing, but my body was still starting to push on its own. My nurse called my OB to tell her it was time.
Dr. Price made it at 9:16 and I was complete. I wasn't sure at this point if I could push (which is funny, because all I wanted up to this point was to be able to push!!) . I remember being fearful. I was thinking, "Oh Crap, I don't have my epidural. How bad will it hurt?" "I cant do this." "What if I tear?" "What if I can't push him out?'
Once I started to really push though, I realized it did feel better to push. There was sooooo much pressure. I told myself to push past the pressure and pain and I would meet my sweet baby soon. I also could not control the noises coming out of my mouth. It's crazy that carnal instinct that takes over. I was like a grunting cave woman. It really was crazy. I think I did let out a high-pitched scream once during the "ring of fire." I remember saying "it burns, it burns!"
Someone brought in a mirror which helped encourage me a ton! (I swear, these nurses were ON IT! They were all moving so quickly. They were amazing.) I remember my nurse Carol coaching me through each push and telling me when to push slow (during the burn) so I would not tear. I remember hearing the nurse Jen (who I think has been in on every one of my deliveries as well as the deliveries of my neices and nephews) encouraging me with each push and telling me to keep going. I felt like I focused mostly on Carol, Jen and Dr. Price's voice.
It felt like I pushed FOREVER, but it was only 15 minutes and Mama said it was like 6 good pushes. I think it felt so long because every push took every bit of my energy and focus.
I started pushing at 9:16 and our sweet BABY BOY was born at 9:31.
Such a memorable moment!! I was so surprised that he was a BOY!! |
When he came out, and I saw that he was a HE and saw the look on Matt's face... I quickly forgot every bit of pain that it took to get him here. I immediately started crying and laughing! I remember saying, "I was SOOOO wrong the whole time! I thought it was a girl!!" That endorphin rush is AMAZING. He pinked up quickly and almost immediately started to suck on his hands and root. I could not nurse him right away because I was having some bleeding issues and was quite uncomfortable again while they were trying to get things under control (this part was not fun, because in my mind, the painful part was over. Fundal massage is not a fun experience). Once they were done and I was able to relax a little bit, he latched on like a champ! I also knew that nursing him would help with those uterine contractions which would also help with bleeding.
I also had everyone laughing because once we found out Baby T was a boy, I told Matt (I mean, we are talking MINUTES after delivery) that we get to try again for another girl!! Matt had told me this whole pregnancy, that if Baby T was a girl we were D-O-N-E. Everyone that knows me, knows I have not been in agreement with that.
I was shaking from head to toe, I guess from the adrenaline/hormone rush. I was so so proud of my new son and of myself!! I had the natural delivery I wanted!
I wish I could say I did it peacefully and calmly, without asking for the epidural, without screaming or grunting. I have to say though, the body is amazing. I felt like I had very little control over myself during the transition and pushing phase. Although, everyone else said I appeared very calm during the pushing phase. Dr Price even thought I had my epidural!! I am really grateful now that there was no time for it and I didn't get it!!
It took us over 24 hours to come up with a name for our sweet boy.
Vance Ellis Thompson 7/24/2018 0931 AM 8lb 4oz 20" long
My "birth plan" all along was to go into labor on my own without being induced. I also wanted to take a good shot at "natural child birth." I had been doing a lot of reading and research for months about natural child birth. I had a board on Pinterest with tips, essential oils, birth positions, inspiring blogs and vlogs. I had read Ina May Gaskin's book Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. I feel like this book was so empowering!! It was full of positive birth stories. It really made me feel like if all these other women gave birth with minimal interventions and no pain medication/epidurals then so could I.
I also had such a supportive team! Dr. Price is phenomenal. She is the best OB/GYN around in my opinion. She told me more than one she would deliver my baby however I wanted. She also assured me more than once that she would do whatever it took to keep us both healthy and safe. I also could not have asked for better nurses at the hospital. The Lord truly answered my prayers with my team! My sister, sister in law, mama, mother-in-law and husband were also wonderful that night/day. They were silent when I needed silence, prayed when I needed prayer, held me up, rubbed my back, walked with me... whatever I needed. I could not have done it without every single person involved. Most importantly, I could not have done it without the Lord.
I prayed very specifically the entire pregnancy regarding my goals. I think this goes to show that the Lord listens and hears our prayers.
I am honestly not sure what inspired me to do a natural birth. I had an epidural with the other two and never really considered any other option. I know my epidural with Grant bottomed out my blood pressure and made his heart rate drop, so that did have me a little nervous regarding the epidural this time around. I think I also just wanted that experience. To say that I had at least one of my children without any intervention. However, at the end of the day, my goal was to have a SAFE delivery with a HEALTHY baby.
I will try to do a blog post soon going into more detail about what I did to prepare for my natural delivery.
So far, we are all adjusting very well to being home. It is like Vance was supposed to be here the whole time. He is such a good baby. He is nursing every 3-4 hours. (He was nursing every 2 hours until my milk came in). He is content where ever, swing, cradle, nap nanny, being held. We have done lots of skin to skin and snuggling. He rarely cries.
We had a minor set back on our first day home, as I woke up with a stomach virus. (who does that even happen to?!). Fortunately, it was a 12-hour bug and I recovered quickly.
We were down to 8lbs on our weight check, but I feel confident we are getting back/past our birth weight quickly. He also looked a little jaundiced, but his bilirubin came back normal.
I truly think I am the happiest I have ever been. I love my little family so much and am enjoying this special time in our life. We appreciate everyone's prayers during this season of our life!!
He was so alert from the beginning! |
Latched right on like a champ. |
I don't think I have ever seen this man here more proud! |
Meeting Baby Brother for the first time! They changed into their PJs like they were gonna have a sleep over at the hospital!! Haha!! |