Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hi Ho, Off to Work We Go

Weekend before last was my first weekend back at work, and it actually went better than I expected.  I was nervous for multiple reasons: 1.) I have never been away from Norah Kate that long.  Thirteen to fourteen hours away from my baby girl seemed unbearable. 2.) My workplace has made A LOT of changes... I was kinda scared of what I was walking back in to. 3.)  I was nervous that I had forgotten how to be a nurse.

I wasn't nervous about how NK would do without me, I was worried about how I would do with out her.  I knew she was in good hands.  I am so glad she is able to stay with family while I am at work.  Between Matt, my mama and my mother-in-law,  she did so good for everyone all weekend!

Work had made changes, but I was able to adjust quickly.  My nursing skills are apparently like riding a bike.... I didn't take me long to remember what I was doing :)

Every night I called to check on her frequently.  Everyone kept texting me everytime she took a bottle, got a bath, or went poopie...haha, the things you care about as a mommy!  Saturday I didn't hardly sleep during the day, I was still nursing her every three hours and didn't want to miss anything while she was awake.  Sunday I was exhausted so I slept better.  Matt kept her out of the house most of the day and only brought her to me when she was hungry.  Sunday was the hardest day to leave her though... I was missing my baby, but I knew it was my last night and it went by quickly.  Mondays will probably be my toughest day.  I was really tired from only having about 8-10 hours of sleep all weekend, but fortunately she took several naps and we made it!

I had forgotten how much I really love my job.  I love being a mother, and if I had my choice that would be my career choice.  However, since I have to work, I choose nursing over everything else.  Most of the time I get a lot of joy from what I do.  I am a critical care nurse and really love it.  I couldn't picture myself doing anything else (besides being a mommy and housewife of course :) ).  It really is a rewarding profession!

There will be downfalls of working every weekend night.  Such as missing church on Sundays, weddings, family reunions, etc.  I can request off sometimes, but because I am weekends only I have to be really picky about what I request off for.  I have told myself I am going to try to go to church every other Sunday, or atleast Sunday school so I can get home and back to bed.  I am going to have to get in the habit of going on Wednesday night services too.  I need church in my life... when I don't go I can tell!  The best part though will be not having to put her in daycare.  I will be with her all week.  Also, when she gets a little older we can go to places during the week when it's less crowded, like the zoo or aquarium.

Going back to work was hard... and I dreaded it, but it ended up being okay.  I think after a few weeks we will be adjusted and it will be easier.  I am blessed to have been able to take 12 weeks off when most people go back after six or eight.  I am also grateful to have a job where I can work weekends and keep her at home during the week.  As much as I love my job though, if Matt came home and told me he wanted to to quit and stay home, I wouldn't think twice!!  Unfortunately, with him being a farmer... I am the one that has to carry the health insurance.  I don't know how we could ever afford to pay for it out of pocket!  So, until we win the lottery or something... I will probably be a working mama.

1 comment:

  1. Working woman or working momma, Matt is very blessed to have such a wonderful sweet lady in his life! I pray you, Matt and Norah Kate have a beautiful life!

    Gina (Prinkey) Bowles
