Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Three Months Old!

Wow, I have never known time to fly so fast!  Also, never had I wanted time to just stop so bad.  I cannot believe that three months ago I gave birth to  my sweet little bundle.  Amazing!  My presh baby girl is three months old!  Here is a quick little update on Miss Norah Kate:

Mama's Big Girl
What does she like?
-Well, she likes her "friends."  That is what Matt and I call her mobile.  She talks and laughs at them every morning/night while in her pack and play.  The other morning, she woke me up talking to her "friends" at 3am.  Ohhh, I can see it now... a teenager on the phone in the middle of the night.
-She loves her hands.  I am afraid I have a thumb sucker on my hands.  Sometimes, she will try to fit both her paci and thumb in her mouth.  When she isn't trying to stuff her fist in her mouth, she is looking at them.  She will also bring them together like she is praying when she starts getting sleepy.  She brings them right up to her face and clasps them together.  It is possibly the most cutest thing ever.
-The baby in the mirror.  In my car, I have a mirror in the backseat that reflects off my rearview mirror so that I can peek on her while driving.  She laughs and coos and talks to the baby in the mirror.
-Bathtime.  Plain and simple.  She can be cranky and a bath cheers her right on up :)
-I have a baby that loves to be outside.  Already.  I didn't think she could possibly know the difference, but I swear she does.  I have been going walking on most afternoons for the past two months and have recently started jogging.  I can tell when we don't go because I have a cranky baby on my hands (well, to be honest, we are both a little cranky).  I think the fresh air does us both good!

What don't we like?
-Being hot.  She gets it from her mama.  I cannot stand to get hot and sweaty.  I can get ill as a hornet.  Well, my daughter is just like that.
-We still aren't crazy about tummy time.  I was reading where she should be up to 20 minutes of "tummy time" in a day.  Not necessarily consecutively, but throughout the day.  Haha, yeah, right.  We are lucky is Miss Prissy will tolerate 5 minutes of tummy time.  We are getting better though.  Each day we maybe add on another minute or so....
-  There isn't much she doesn't like...she is really a happy baby!  Keep her fed, well-rested, burped, and cool and she is just a doll!

Lookin' just like her daddy!

What else are we up to?
-When we take a bottle (of breastmilk still of course!), she drinks 6 ounces.
-She is wearing most of her 3-6 month stuff, and has outgrown half of her 0-3 month clothes.  I kid you not, one day I put a pair of shoes on her and they fit... two days later I put them on again and had to put them in the box of "stuff that no longer fits!"  She outgrew them overnight, literally...  This makes Mommy really sad, although I am proud of my healthy, chunky girl!
-After we use the last few size 1 diapers, we will officially be graduated to size 2.
-We are sleeping through the night.  By sleeping through the night, I mean she will sleep 6-8 hour stretches.  Since she normally falls asleep around 8:30ish, she sometimes wakes up at 3 or 4 wanting to nurse.  She goes right back to sleep though and will sleep until 7 or 8.
-She still sleeps in our room in her pack and play.  Not ready to even discuss putting her in her room yet.
-My little chatter box is talking up a storm.  Mostly ooohhhs and aaahhhs.  Every once in a while an ahhgoo.  Lots of squeals.  I swear, ya'll, she is the cutest baby ever.  Who needs TV when you have a baby?  Lately, she will stop in the middle of nursing and carry on a conversation with me.  I wonder what she is really thinking or trying to say?  I talk back though, just like I know exactly what she is telling me!
-NK can almost roll over.  She can roll on her side, but that's as far as she goes... I give it a few more weeks.
-She has always been one to fight sleep a little bit, but now she is doing this new thing where she will shake her head from side to side.  Hard.  I keep thinking she is going to give herself whiplash.  She will also sling her arms out and rub her face.  She hates it when the Mr. Sandman gets in her eyes!

Half sucking, half gnawing on that teething ring.  Starting to drool a lot so I am wondering we are about to start teething...

I have officially started back work, we are adjusting... that will have to be another blog, another day.

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