Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Life Lately

I didn't think I would still have to do monthly blogs with updates of Baby Girl as much as before, but I believe I was wrong. She is still changing so fast! Here's what's been going on with her lately:

Dancing machine.  I always knew she liked music, but now she will really get down and groove.  It amazes me that she can really move to the beat. She will bounce up and down and sway her head from side to side.  When she really gets into it she will clap too.  It is funny to watch her playing and then suddenly top when a good song comes on a commercial on the TV.

Talking up a storm.  At first I was a little concerned that her speech wasn't quite on track, mainly because I couldn't get her to say very many words, but boy in the last week she has become a little copy cat.  I can say pig, she says "ig.". I say dog, she says "woof." The other day I was changing her diaper and was saying "stinky," and she started saying "tinky.". I have read where at her age she should be saying some words, understand the meaning of many words, and point at objects.  She points and "Mimms" at everything she wants.  I can also tell her to do pretty well anything and she understands so I think now we are right on track.

A few nights ago she picked up her toys and put them in her basket. She did it without asking and it freaked me out. I guess because she has seen me do it before bedtime since birth... Have I created an OCD clean freak too??

She brushes her own teeth everyday and most definitely doesn't want any help with it.  She can help undress for bath time, brushes her hair, and is attempting to fed herself with a spoon.  She gives the best kisses and will pat your back when she gives hugs. She got some baby dolls for Christmas and will carry those things around and "rock" them and pat them. It beats all I have ever seen.  They truly are like little sponges soaking in everything from birth. The other day she had her baby doll over her shoulder, her purse on her wrist and was pushing her shopping cart. Haha! Little mama.


With all this newfound independence has come some diva-esce temper tantrums. She will slap her hands and growl when you are taking something away from her that she wants or are trying to do something she don't want. She started crying today because she couldn't fit her shopping cart into her Pottery Barn chair with her. She also got frustrated the other day because she couldn't hold five different things in her hand at once. She would try to pick up something else and drop another thing and was getting very agitated.   Apparently one is the new two... Oh, Lord help.  Fortunately though, we don't have very many "bad" days.  She is still a sweet girl :)

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