Well, I was officially admitted to the hospital overnight for the first time ever. (Other than having NK, which wasn't because I was sick but because I received a little blessing!)
It started Wednesday at work with a terrible back ache. Well, I am a pregnant nurse, so my back hurts 95% of the time. I have gotten used to this dull ache. As the day went on though, it seemed to get worse. I just contributed it to over-doing it a little the last couple of weeks and tried drinking more water while I was at work in case I was dehydrated.
I went to bed early Wednesday night and set my alarm to go to the gym before work on Thursday morning. Well, I was really tired and reset my alarm to wake up just to get ready for work. This really isn't anything new because the thought of going to the gym is a lot easier/nicer at 9pm than 4:30am! When I woke up at 5:30, my back was killing me. It hurt to move and to take a deep breath. It was too late to call into work and I thought maybe by going I would "work the kinks out." So I toughed it out.
By 10:00am I was in tears. I was purely miserable. My back hurt so bad I couldn't breath and I was having radiating pains in my abdomen (not like contractions, but a dull ache in my muscles). I left work early (and let me just say this, I hated that part because it was a hellacious day when we were already short-staffed and had 4 nurses taking extra patients and I did NOT want to leave anyone in a bigger mess than they were already in!). But I was not doing anyone, including my patients, any good.
I left work at 11:30 and went to OB to get checked out. They hooked me up to the monitor and his heart rate was fine and I was not having contractions. THANK GOD! They got a urine sample and checked my cervix. I was still completely closed and thick. Again... THANK GOD! Everything seemed fine with Baby Boy! They checked my vitals and my heart rate was up and I was running a fever. Well, that explained the aches and pains.
I ended up with a bad bladder infection and had to get IV antibiotics and IV fluids. I also tested positive for a flu-like virus! Dang-it. I had to stay over night to be monitored, have labs drawn, and get my IV meds.
I was really upset because I had Christmas shopping to do, Christmas presents to wrap, baking to do, and we were supposed to go see Santa Claus on Friday!!
I was discharged 24 hours later and am feeling much better. Still a little sore and achey, but much better compared to Thursday! Just sent home to rest and drink plenty of fluids.
This was a wake up call for me to slow it down though for sure. I have been over doing it the last few weeks (which I hate to admit), and mainly because I have felt SO good during this pregnancy. I mean, on most days, I really don't even feel pregnant. I didn't really think anything about picking up extra days at work, or waking up early to go to the gym, or staying up late to wrap Christmas presents, write a paper, and do the laundry. But, I am only 26 weeks pregnant and it is TOO early to even take any chances with Baby Boy coming early!! He needs to bake for as long as possible!
I am so excited to meet my second little angel, but I can be patient enough to wait a while longer!
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
23 Weeks
I can not believe I am over half way through this pregnancy! It is really scary/exciting/overwhelming!
I am so excited about having another baby, but naturally I worry about how NK will handle having another baby in her mama's lap.
BabyBoy is moving around like crazy. He still don't seem to be as active as what Norah Kate was though, so maybe he will be more laid back :)
Our last ultrasound was the anatomy ultrasound and I was 21 weeks. They estimated his weight at 12 ounces and he is most definitely still a boy! He was measuring 20 weeks and 2 days which they said is normal.
My cravings still include fruit and cottage cheese, but also dark chocolate, hot chocolate, Cranberry Splash Sierra Mist, French toast, eggs, and bacon.
I feel great! This chiropractor really helped my hip and back. I have joined the Y because running is more difficult so I am mostly doing the elliptical, stationary bike, squats and lunges (without weights). I still run some, but it just depends on how bad he is jumping on my bladder as to how well it goes. So far I have gained 12 pounds which about right on target where I was at this point with Norah Kate :)
I am not near as tired or as moody as what I was the first trimester.
The only negative thing has been pee-ing on myself when I cough, sneeze, or laugh with a full bladder!! I have been doing Kegel's like crazy but they aren't helping. I can only imagine how bad it will be with future pregnancies!
I am starting to feel Braxton Hicks more and more... mostly when I work and I think it is because I don't drink enough water (yes, please, slap my pregnant hand... Drinking water is the biggest challenge!)
So far I have done nothing yet to prepare for this baby! It is so different than with Norah Kate. By this point with Norah Kate I had a whole room full of decorations for her nursery, clothes, etc. I also had her nursery mentally decorated in my mind and probably would have had her room finished had we been in our house. I have bought BabyBoy a few outfits, a thing of bottles, pacis, and a few packs of diapers and wipes. I know now that a newborn requires a lot less "stuff." We will be just fine with a bassinet or Pack and Play in our room, a few sleepers, and some wipes and diapers!
My next appointment is December 11 and I have my glucose test (yuck!). I will 25 weeks then! Amazing! It is crazy to think about because then I will have one more appointment before it goes to every two-week appointments which will then make my pregnancy fly by even faster!
I am so excited about having another baby, but naturally I worry about how NK will handle having another baby in her mama's lap.
BabyBoy is moving around like crazy. He still don't seem to be as active as what Norah Kate was though, so maybe he will be more laid back :)
Our last ultrasound was the anatomy ultrasound and I was 21 weeks. They estimated his weight at 12 ounces and he is most definitely still a boy! He was measuring 20 weeks and 2 days which they said is normal.
My cravings still include fruit and cottage cheese, but also dark chocolate, hot chocolate, Cranberry Splash Sierra Mist, French toast, eggs, and bacon.
I feel great! This chiropractor really helped my hip and back. I have joined the Y because running is more difficult so I am mostly doing the elliptical, stationary bike, squats and lunges (without weights). I still run some, but it just depends on how bad he is jumping on my bladder as to how well it goes. So far I have gained 12 pounds which about right on target where I was at this point with Norah Kate :)
I am not near as tired or as moody as what I was the first trimester.
The only negative thing has been pee-ing on myself when I cough, sneeze, or laugh with a full bladder!! I have been doing Kegel's like crazy but they aren't helping. I can only imagine how bad it will be with future pregnancies!
I am starting to feel Braxton Hicks more and more... mostly when I work and I think it is because I don't drink enough water (yes, please, slap my pregnant hand... Drinking water is the biggest challenge!)
So far I have done nothing yet to prepare for this baby! It is so different than with Norah Kate. By this point with Norah Kate I had a whole room full of decorations for her nursery, clothes, etc. I also had her nursery mentally decorated in my mind and probably would have had her room finished had we been in our house. I have bought BabyBoy a few outfits, a thing of bottles, pacis, and a few packs of diapers and wipes. I know now that a newborn requires a lot less "stuff." We will be just fine with a bassinet or Pack and Play in our room, a few sleepers, and some wipes and diapers!
My next appointment is December 11 and I have my glucose test (yuck!). I will 25 weeks then! Amazing! It is crazy to think about because then I will have one more appointment before it goes to every two-week appointments which will then make my pregnancy fly by even faster!
Funny Sayings from NK
Let me just tell ya.. this girl can talk! She is really starting to get very expressive and it is quite hilarious to me on most days. Honestly though, I am so used to her talking so good that when she does regress and whine and fuss like a two year old I get frustrated.
NK: Mama, I'm ready!
Me: Ready? For where?
NK: Church.
(This can be said on any given day, not just Sundays.)
NK: Hold you. (Translates into Hold Me).
NK: Show me. (Translates into Show you). Yes we have pronoun confusion.
NK: (Lifts up my shirt.) Baby brudder in dere! Hey brudder!
NK: (Hands me her baby) Hold her just a second, k? I be right back. (Nodding her head the whole time).
NK: Yeah. Um (smacks lips like she is thinking... we are working really hard on "Yes ma'am")
NK: Eek! A sizzard! (lizard)
NK: (in a deep, creepy voice) Dere's a 'pider in dere. (There's a spider in there!)
NK: Hossy! 'Mere! Sit! 'Ay down! Bood boy (good boy).
NK: Baby cryin'. It needs a paci.
NK: Awe wee.
NK: You hurt? I fiss it (I fix it/kiss it, not reallll sure because she kisses the "boo-boo".)
NK: Bwankwet (blanket) Her "l"s are funny to me because she has a hard time saying them but when she does she really rolls her tongue out very dramatically. My brother used to do the same thing.
NK: I get it. (She says this with an insistent look on her face, while nodding, usually for stuff she knows she is not supposed to have like more candy, my make up, Hoss's food, etc.)
NK: Ew. Gross.
NK: I 'cared (scared)! (She says this with a "scary" look on her face.)
The other day she was driving down the drive way in Matt's lap. What's the first thing she does? Tries to turn the music on of course!
We were at Mama's a few weeks ago (by the way, she still has not named my poor Mama... she calls her Granna and Mimi pretty equally, so we jokingly call my mama GrannaMimi. We were joking that my next baby will name Mama, but for real, I think he will have to!) Anyways, Norah Kate was watching the Wizard of Oz (very, intently, which was weird because she would not sit still and watch anything!) and she runs in the other room to get Papa. Meanwhile, she runs across a bug. Well, instead of freaking out my daddy is telling her to stomp on it. She tries to stomp on it but couldn't because she was barefoot, so without being told she ran put her shoes on as fast as she could and then stomped on the bug. Then she spit on it. Oh. My. Goodness. The funniest thing I had ever seen. Of course I couldn't get my phone to record this event until the very end. It was priceless!
Her new thing is "tattling." For instance, I get on to her for something so then she runs to Matt and points a me and says "Ugh. Mama!"
NK: Dopen it! (Open it, she adds a "D" to open for some reason).
Me: It's cold in here, Norah Kate.
NK: Put your jacket on, Mama.
I know this isn't funny. And I swear I never thought kids really did this because it is a really bratty thing but it caught me so off guard that I didn't know what to think.. but NK has starting blowing "rasberries" (you know, sticking her tongue out and blowing making a spitting sound) when she doesn't get her way or get in trouble. I hope we out grow this one fast!
Okay, last one.
Me: Night, night Norah Kate.
NK: Night, night.
Me: I love you.
NK: Lub you.
(The sweetest, most precious words any mama can hear :))
NK: Mama, I'm ready!
Me: Ready? For where?
NK: Church.
(This can be said on any given day, not just Sundays.)
NK: Hold you. (Translates into Hold Me).
NK: Show me. (Translates into Show you). Yes we have pronoun confusion.
NK: (Lifts up my shirt.) Baby brudder in dere! Hey brudder!
NK: (Hands me her baby) Hold her just a second, k? I be right back. (Nodding her head the whole time).
NK: Yeah. Um (smacks lips like she is thinking... we are working really hard on "Yes ma'am")
NK: Eek! A sizzard! (lizard)
NK: (in a deep, creepy voice) Dere's a 'pider in dere. (There's a spider in there!)
NK: Hossy! 'Mere! Sit! 'Ay down! Bood boy (good boy).
NK: Baby cryin'. It needs a paci.
NK: Awe wee.
NK: You hurt? I fiss it (I fix it/kiss it, not reallll sure because she kisses the "boo-boo".)
NK: Bwankwet (blanket) Her "l"s are funny to me because she has a hard time saying them but when she does she really rolls her tongue out very dramatically. My brother used to do the same thing.
NK: I get it. (She says this with an insistent look on her face, while nodding, usually for stuff she knows she is not supposed to have like more candy, my make up, Hoss's food, etc.)
NK: Ew. Gross.
NK: I 'cared (scared)! (She says this with a "scary" look on her face.)
We were at Mama's a few weeks ago (by the way, she still has not named my poor Mama... she calls her Granna and Mimi pretty equally, so we jokingly call my mama GrannaMimi. We were joking that my next baby will name Mama, but for real, I think he will have to!) Anyways, Norah Kate was watching the Wizard of Oz (very, intently, which was weird because she would not sit still and watch anything!) and she runs in the other room to get Papa. Meanwhile, she runs across a bug. Well, instead of freaking out my daddy is telling her to stomp on it. She tries to stomp on it but couldn't because she was barefoot, so without being told she ran put her shoes on as fast as she could and then stomped on the bug. Then she spit on it. Oh. My. Goodness. The funniest thing I had ever seen. Of course I couldn't get my phone to record this event until the very end. It was priceless!
Her new thing is "tattling." For instance, I get on to her for something so then she runs to Matt and points a me and says "Ugh. Mama!"
NK: Dopen it! (Open it, she adds a "D" to open for some reason).
Me: It's cold in here, Norah Kate.
NK: Put your jacket on, Mama.
I know this isn't funny. And I swear I never thought kids really did this because it is a really bratty thing but it caught me so off guard that I didn't know what to think.. but NK has starting blowing "rasberries" (you know, sticking her tongue out and blowing making a spitting sound) when she doesn't get her way or get in trouble. I hope we out grow this one fast!
Okay, last one.
Me: Night, night Norah Kate.
NK: Night, night.
Me: I love you.
NK: Lub you.
(The sweetest, most precious words any mama can hear :))
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
18 Weeks- It's a....
I went for my ultrasound on October 17 and they are 99% sure its a little boy!! The ultrasound tech's words exactly, "I am pretty sure that isn't going anywhere!"
We are so ecstatic to be having one of each. While I would have been tickled with another little girl, it would have been sweet for Norah Kate to have a sister... every daddy needs a son, and I would have been disappointed to Matt's sake. :)
We are still discussing names... Matt is so picky when it comes to naming our kids!
Everything looked good on the ultrasound but I will get a more detailed anatomy scan for my 20 week visit in November. I can't wait to see him again!!
How is Mama feeling? Great! I am still running some, but mostly walking. Honestly I have been so busy with work and school that I am lucky to exercise two days a week. I need to do better. I have much more energy than I did, but come 8:30 pm and I am ready for bed. I have no nausea and am starving 90% of the time. I still have random cravings but my favorite thing to eat is fruit and cottage cheese.
Cravings: Yummy! I also crave fried chicken and BBQ a lot and get hungry for greens about once a week.
Clothes: I have just started wearing some maternity jeans because they are more comfortable, but I can still fit into my stretchy skinny jeans and most shirts/tops. Fortunately the style is blouse-y tops, so they are plenty big enough to grow over my growing belly! I have gained 4 pounds so far, and I know that the weight gain is about to start piling up! I gained 25 with Norah Kate :)
Hip Pain: My only complaint right now is pain down my right hip and leg. I have started going to a chiropractor and I am getting some relief. He uses a mixed method of adjustments, massage therapy, and physical therapy. He said it is sciatic nerve problems created by the way the pelvis tilts to make room for baby. I can see his massage therapist on Wednesday and it is covered by insurance! Best thing ever!! I had the pain with NK but it wasn't quite as bad... but I always wasn't toting around a 25lb two year old while I was pregnant with her. I bought a pregnancy pillow, but unfortunately it isn't helping much.
That is honestly my ONLY complaint. I have been blessed with another healthy pregnancy!!
Over the last 2 weeks I have felt like bubbles are popping in my belly. However, this week, I am feeling those very family kicks and nudges. They are getting stronger and stronger every day! I love feeling him move around in there... it is such a comforting feeling.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Exciting News!
Weeks 4-6
I found out July 19 that I was going to be a mommy
again! I had taken two tests earlier in
the week because I had been pretty tired and had that same familiar soreness in
my boobs, but they were both negative.
Then I spotted on Thursday, the day I normally “start” so I figured I
wasn’t. (This really made me realize how
people can go a while without realizing they are pregnant) When Friday and Saturday rolled around and
the spotting went away, I thought maybe I should test again. It was one of those things where I really
wasn’t expecting that second line, but there it came! It was light, but it was there.
My mind probably had fifty different thoughts run through it
before it all soaked in… “Oh my goodness, boy or girl, my hands will be full,
how exciting!” Then a big smile broke out and I couldn’t contain my excitement.
This pregnancy was different in the fact that I couldn’t let
my excitement overtake me and immediately begin Googl-ing baby clothes,
furniture, and names. I had another
little one needing my attention J I know Norah
Kate will be a great big sister! She
knows just what to do with her baby dolls.
In fact, this month has been so weird because she picked out a baby doll
at Target that she insisted on getting that said “Little Brother” and then one
night when me and Matt were laying in bed she poked my belly and said “baby”
that was definitely out of the ordinary!!
I think she definitely knew before I did!
How do I feel?
Great! I actually was
more tired the week or two before I tested.
When we were at Steinhatchee, it felt like all I wanted to do was
sleep. Now, though, I feel fine. I am kinda used to a normal baseline level of
exhaustion… but it definitely isn’t like it was with Norah Kate. With her, it felt like I could sleep for days,
I felt like a zombie. I was working
nightshift then though and I think that had a lot to do with it. I have gotten nauseated twice, but it quickly
went away with a snack and a carbonated drink or sweet tea. I stayed nauseated with Norah Kate, I didn’t
throw up but a handful of times, but all I could eat was watermelon, mac &
cheese, fruit cups, and tomatoes. This
time, I truly don’t feel very different.
I think on most days I feel better than I have in a year!
Fruit (pineapple, blueberries, watermelon, strawberries,
cantaloupe), Sweet Heat BBQ chips, FRIED CHICKEN with ketchup and hotsauce (I
could eat this for every meal I think) and oatmeal. I have fallen in love with the oatmeal at
work- with brown sugar and strawberries and blueberries… yum!
Weight gain?
None… yet. I know
this will come quickly though. I gained
most of my weight in the first two trimesters with NK. I already feel like I look bloated though.
Other noticeables?
Peeing all the time, thirsting for water, weird, weird dreams….
We can’t wait to welcome our little bundle of joy in March!!
The Terrible 22 Months
I have dreaded this blog post for quite some time now... the point where NK has reached her terrible two's. Eek!!
Unfortunately my child has zero patience and a horrible temper. However, I know this is all part of her growing, learning, and testing her boundaries.
We have starting hitting, biting, saying "No!" in response to almost any instructions given. She pitches fits at bedtime and for a few weeks REFUSED to sleep in her crib, or really sleep at all in general. Well, I don't know about you but dealing with a cranky two year old when you both are exhausted is practically an impossible task. She melts to the floor when she don't get her way, and whines for things she wants after you tell her no.
For instance, she wakes up at 8 am wanting a sucker. "Mama, sucker! Mamaaaaaaa, sucker! Sucker mama. Peas. Suckerrrrr!!! Waaaaa!" Well, the suckers are for special, special treats, not for breakfast. So I continue to tell her no. And she continues to cry. So I walk outside on the porch while she is rolling on the floor whining. Then suddenly it stops (I only left her in there for a few minutes, basically to let her know she wasn't going to get any attention for that behavior, I had already tried distraction multiple times with failed attempts.) When I walk back in she was singing a different tune, she was fine.
I have also had to leave a grocery cart full of groceries in the middle of Walmart recently. She was out of control. She was leaping over the side of the buggy, running from me, wanting me to hold her then when I would hold her, she would wrestle out of my arms. It was disastrous. I was so mad. I just picked her up, walked out, and left. I probably shouldn't admit this, but if I could have left her there and KNEW she would have been safe, I might would have, just until I cooled off for a minute. I am a terrible mama.
Part of all this has made me realize just how impatient I am, and how quick tempered I am. You know how you see those parents with the kids that are sitting stone still in the buggy, or in the restaurant, or church, those kids that have the most laid back temperament and always seem to be on the best behavior. Haha! I just wonder what their secret is??? Seriously! I think it has a lot to do with the temperament of the child and parent. Norah Kate is a very busy, active, smart, independent little girl and I am not very laid back, and have pretty high expectations for how my children are supposed to act in public so therefor, my child usually acts like a heathen. Most days I feel like I don't know what the heck I am doing.
Let me also say that she does not act this way without getting in trouble. We always try distraction and speaking in calm, firm voices first. When that don't work we do time out or .... well you know. Time out hasn't been very successful, she just gets up crying and comes to me... I re-direct her back to the chair but usually spend more time re-directing than her actually sitting in timeout. I swear she cries harder over time out than a spanking.
The only time she really gets a "spanking" (more like a swat on the diaper) is when she is doing something that is going to hurt her after being told no, hitting, and biting. Those are absolute no-no's. I always explain why she is getting in trouble. Like the other day when she hit me with the wooden spoon. She had been told no several times for going after Hoss with the spoon and had it taken away from her, well she somehow got it back and I was sitting on the couch and WHACK... right in the back of the head with the spoon. Boy, she knew she was gonna get in BIG trouble as soon as she did it.
I know I am making it sound like she is terrible, but really she is not. We have more good days than bad. I call the bad times my "Bad Mommy Days" where it just seems like God is testing my every ability to be a parent. I praise her way more than I scold her. For any and everything, for when she does something by herself, for when she does something sweet, for just be sweet, and mot important when she is behaving.
Along with the "Terrible 2s" has also come some very sweet moments. She now tells us she loves us and misses us. She gives tight, squeeze hugs. The best and sweetest kisses. She tries to share her suckers and cookies.
She can sing her ABCs "A,B,C,D,E,J"- It's a start :)
And count to 10- 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10.
She knows her body parts, has started peepee-ing in the potty some, can put on her own shoes (and usually on the right foot!) and is trying to put on her own shirt and pants. She "reads" Llama Llama Nighty, Night. I have been reading that book to her since she was in-utero so she really does almost know it word-for-word.
She says "Amen!" after the blessing and night time prayers. She says "Bless you!" when someone sneezes and says "Thank you, your welcome."
She is the absolute sweetest, smartest little girl I know... and while there are days where I could hang her up by her feet, any time she isn't with me I miss her SO much. It is just way to quiet when she isn't here or when she is sleeping.
I know that the "terrible twos" is just a phase, and it is going to teach me to be a more patient, better person. I also have a higher respect for single parents too and military moms. I could NOT do this by myself. There is no way. I am just trying to learn not to sweat the small stuff, be as patient as I can, and give her as much cuddly, TLC time as I can during this time in her life.
Unfortunately my child has zero patience and a horrible temper. However, I know this is all part of her growing, learning, and testing her boundaries.
We have starting hitting, biting, saying "No!" in response to almost any instructions given. She pitches fits at bedtime and for a few weeks REFUSED to sleep in her crib, or really sleep at all in general. Well, I don't know about you but dealing with a cranky two year old when you both are exhausted is practically an impossible task. She melts to the floor when she don't get her way, and whines for things she wants after you tell her no.
For instance, she wakes up at 8 am wanting a sucker. "Mama, sucker! Mamaaaaaaa, sucker! Sucker mama. Peas. Suckerrrrr!!! Waaaaa!" Well, the suckers are for special, special treats, not for breakfast. So I continue to tell her no. And she continues to cry. So I walk outside on the porch while she is rolling on the floor whining. Then suddenly it stops (I only left her in there for a few minutes, basically to let her know she wasn't going to get any attention for that behavior, I had already tried distraction multiple times with failed attempts.) When I walk back in she was singing a different tune, she was fine.
I have also had to leave a grocery cart full of groceries in the middle of Walmart recently. She was out of control. She was leaping over the side of the buggy, running from me, wanting me to hold her then when I would hold her, she would wrestle out of my arms. It was disastrous. I was so mad. I just picked her up, walked out, and left. I probably shouldn't admit this, but if I could have left her there and KNEW she would have been safe, I might would have, just until I cooled off for a minute. I am a terrible mama.
Part of all this has made me realize just how impatient I am, and how quick tempered I am. You know how you see those parents with the kids that are sitting stone still in the buggy, or in the restaurant, or church, those kids that have the most laid back temperament and always seem to be on the best behavior. Haha! I just wonder what their secret is??? Seriously! I think it has a lot to do with the temperament of the child and parent. Norah Kate is a very busy, active, smart, independent little girl and I am not very laid back, and have pretty high expectations for how my children are supposed to act in public so therefor, my child usually acts like a heathen. Most days I feel like I don't know what the heck I am doing.
Let me also say that she does not act this way without getting in trouble. We always try distraction and speaking in calm, firm voices first. When that don't work we do time out or .... well you know. Time out hasn't been very successful, she just gets up crying and comes to me... I re-direct her back to the chair but usually spend more time re-directing than her actually sitting in timeout. I swear she cries harder over time out than a spanking.
The only time she really gets a "spanking" (more like a swat on the diaper) is when she is doing something that is going to hurt her after being told no, hitting, and biting. Those are absolute no-no's. I always explain why she is getting in trouble. Like the other day when she hit me with the wooden spoon. She had been told no several times for going after Hoss with the spoon and had it taken away from her, well she somehow got it back and I was sitting on the couch and WHACK... right in the back of the head with the spoon. Boy, she knew she was gonna get in BIG trouble as soon as she did it.
I know I am making it sound like she is terrible, but really she is not. We have more good days than bad. I call the bad times my "Bad Mommy Days" where it just seems like God is testing my every ability to be a parent. I praise her way more than I scold her. For any and everything, for when she does something by herself, for when she does something sweet, for just be sweet, and mot important when she is behaving.
Along with the "Terrible 2s" has also come some very sweet moments. She now tells us she loves us and misses us. She gives tight, squeeze hugs. The best and sweetest kisses. She tries to share her suckers and cookies.
She can sing her ABCs "A,B,C,D,E,J"- It's a start :)
And count to 10- 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10.
She knows her body parts, has started peepee-ing in the potty some, can put on her own shoes (and usually on the right foot!) and is trying to put on her own shirt and pants. She "reads" Llama Llama Nighty, Night. I have been reading that book to her since she was in-utero so she really does almost know it word-for-word.
She says "Amen!" after the blessing and night time prayers. She says "Bless you!" when someone sneezes and says "Thank you, your welcome."
She is the absolute sweetest, smartest little girl I know... and while there are days where I could hang her up by her feet, any time she isn't with me I miss her SO much. It is just way to quiet when she isn't here or when she is sleeping.
I know that the "terrible twos" is just a phase, and it is going to teach me to be a more patient, better person. I also have a higher respect for single parents too and military moms. I could NOT do this by myself. There is no way. I am just trying to learn not to sweat the small stuff, be as patient as I can, and give her as much cuddly, TLC time as I can during this time in her life.
Funny faces with mama!
This sweet face could never be bad :)
This hardly ever happens!!
Big girl didn't even cry when she got her flu shot!
Styling with her Hello Kitty jammies and pink Crocs!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Week 6-8
How do I feel? Tired. Haha! This too shall pass. It is HARD work growing a baby! I was grateful, and thought I was going to be lucky, when I was tired a couple weeks ago. Some days I will be fine, and others I can't hardly put one foot in front of the other. I have occasional nausea, but nothing too bad. I haven't had to stop what I am doing or take any medicine for it. Usually I just get nauseated if I get too hungry. Which I am hungry every 2 hours or so.
I am still running, and plan on continuing until either Matt or my body tells me no more. Matt will probably tell me no first. He isn't too crazy about it, but everything I have researched has said it is safe if you were used to doing it before, which I was. The doctor said it is fine too.
I went for my first appointment on my birthday!! What a great birthday present!! The little blob was there and the heartbeat was nice and strong at 156 bpm. That is such an amazing sound. I feel so blessed that God is going to let me be a mommy again. I feel that there is no greater privilege!
I am taking my One A Day prenatal vitamins. I took those with NK and they didn't make me very sick. I am trying to drink plenty of water, because that is something they stress to you at the doctor, but I will be honest, it is hard. I like water, but remembering to drink 48-64 ounces is the difficult part.
My cravings aren't too random... chicken and hot sauce, Kit Kat bars, sweet-tarts, orange juice, Chic-Fil-A salads. Mmmm. I LOVE the side salads from Chic-Fil-A with the Berry Balsamic dressing. Yummy.
I will go back to the doctor September 19 for my next check up!
I am still running, and plan on continuing until either Matt or my body tells me no more. Matt will probably tell me no first. He isn't too crazy about it, but everything I have researched has said it is safe if you were used to doing it before, which I was. The doctor said it is fine too.
I went for my first appointment on my birthday!! What a great birthday present!! The little blob was there and the heartbeat was nice and strong at 156 bpm. That is such an amazing sound. I feel so blessed that God is going to let me be a mommy again. I feel that there is no greater privilege!
I am taking my One A Day prenatal vitamins. I took those with NK and they didn't make me very sick. I am trying to drink plenty of water, because that is something they stress to you at the doctor, but I will be honest, it is hard. I like water, but remembering to drink 48-64 ounces is the difficult part.
My cravings aren't too random... chicken and hot sauce, Kit Kat bars, sweet-tarts, orange juice, Chic-Fil-A salads. Mmmm. I LOVE the side salads from Chic-Fil-A with the Berry Balsamic dressing. Yummy.
I will go back to the doctor September 19 for my next check up!
8-10 Weeks
While, we still haven't made it Facebook official, we have told our family, friends, and co workers. We are so excited about baby #2!! It still seems surreal.
How is mama feeling? Bloated... I feel like I am constantly carrying around a food baby But oh well. It just means things are growing. I haven't gained but a pound or two. & Very tired... I am so sleepy. When I am at work though, I actually feel better. I guess because I am too busy to be tired, or nauseated. On my days off though, I feel like all I could do is nap. Ha! Which is impossible with a 20 month old ruling the roost!
I am having bad dreams. I remember having them with NK and I know it is probably something to do with hormones. However, that doesn't make them any less disturbing.
I have officially lost my verbal filter. If I think it, the words are coming out. Ooops. Hopefully this won't get me into too much trouble :) I had just gained my filter back from having NK. I am a little moody, but most of my mood swings come with stress from school and I feel like they aren't so much pregnancy related.
I am still craving fried chicken and hot sauce. Another craving has been peaches and cottage cheese. This is a weird one because I have never cared anything about cottage cheese before. And Doritos... not such a healthy craving but oh well. Pregnancy cravings are crazy... because if I don't satisfy my craving nothing else tastes good or right. A week or so ago I was craving a sub. I swear I could have had the whole sub made with banana peppers, pickles, onions, jalapeños and oil and vinegar. Haha!
I haven't been able to Doppler the heartbeat at home yet, but I am trying not to panic. I know some women can't until the are 13 or 14 weeks. I will be grateful to be through the first trimester :) Luckily though, I still have practically no nausea. I will have waves occasionally from a smell or if I let myself get too hungry.
How is mama feeling? Bloated... I feel like I am constantly carrying around a food baby But oh well. It just means things are growing. I haven't gained but a pound or two. & Very tired... I am so sleepy. When I am at work though, I actually feel better. I guess because I am too busy to be tired, or nauseated. On my days off though, I feel like all I could do is nap. Ha! Which is impossible with a 20 month old ruling the roost!
I am having bad dreams. I remember having them with NK and I know it is probably something to do with hormones. However, that doesn't make them any less disturbing.
I have officially lost my verbal filter. If I think it, the words are coming out. Ooops. Hopefully this won't get me into too much trouble :) I had just gained my filter back from having NK. I am a little moody, but most of my mood swings come with stress from school and I feel like they aren't so much pregnancy related.
I am still craving fried chicken and hot sauce. Another craving has been peaches and cottage cheese. This is a weird one because I have never cared anything about cottage cheese before. And Doritos... not such a healthy craving but oh well. Pregnancy cravings are crazy... because if I don't satisfy my craving nothing else tastes good or right. A week or so ago I was craving a sub. I swear I could have had the whole sub made with banana peppers, pickles, onions, jalapeños and oil and vinegar. Haha!
I haven't been able to Doppler the heartbeat at home yet, but I am trying not to panic. I know some women can't until the are 13 or 14 weeks. I will be grateful to be through the first trimester :) Luckily though, I still have practically no nausea. I will have waves occasionally from a smell or if I let myself get too hungry.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Spontaneous Beach Trip
Poor Matt has been so busy all summer with tobacco that he hasn't got to go on any of the trip with Norah Kate and I. He mentioned a couple weeks ago that he may try to take off at lunch on a Saturday for us to go on a quick trip out of town. I had been contemplating different places to go, thinking about Macon, or Atlanta to the Georgia Aquarium, or to close beach.
He started texting me at work last Friday wanting to leave Friday night! Well, for anyone that knows me knows that I am not a spontaneous person... I have to have things planned out, but I thought "what the heck?" So when I got off work at 7, came home, showered, packed, and loaded up and we pulled out of the drive way at 10:30pm. We had no reservations and really no idea which direction we were headed... We decided to go to St. Augustine. We got to St Augustine at about 2 am and started calling places. Dumb me thought we could find a place no problem... well, after 5 call and "No Vacancies" I started to panic. I really thought we were going to sleep in the car. Not to mention NK woke up about this time and was ILL. So crying baby, sleepy mama and daddy, and no place to stay = no beuno!
Needless to say we found a place at the Holiday Isle. It was pool front with a king size bed, the lady at the desk said it would be a loud room, but I didn't care, it was a place to sleep. We got unloaded and Norah Kate was wide awake and we didn't fall asleep until about 4:30... I can't remember the last time I stayed up that late!
We woke up the next morning and went to a breakfast buffet and then to the beach. It was actually cloudy and a little cool (cool on the beach in August? I know, right?) but seriously, the water was FREEZING! Norah Kate LOVED the waves, she would run and chase them and giggle when they splashed her... but after about 30 minutes she wanted to go to the pool. We spent about an hour in the pool then went in to get showers and go for lunch.
We ate lunch at Antonio's New York Style Pizza and it was delish! Probably the best pizza I have ever had! Then we went for ice cream of course and took a two hour nap. Yep, basically all we did this weekend was eat, sleep, and lazy around, but it was awesome.
The next morning we slept in again, and watched TV until check out. It felt so good not to have a schedule or anything to do. We are probably the only people I know that go on vacation and spend most of our time in the room, but Matt really needed that. We packed up, checked out, and went to the outlet malls. It was tax free weekend and everything was having awesome sales so I did some shopping! I got NK some clothes for fall and for next summer for really cheap! Matt also racked up at the Polo outlet.
It was a short, sweet, spontaneous trip, but it was great and we had a blast!
He started texting me at work last Friday wanting to leave Friday night! Well, for anyone that knows me knows that I am not a spontaneous person... I have to have things planned out, but I thought "what the heck?" So when I got off work at 7, came home, showered, packed, and loaded up and we pulled out of the drive way at 10:30pm. We had no reservations and really no idea which direction we were headed... We decided to go to St. Augustine. We got to St Augustine at about 2 am and started calling places. Dumb me thought we could find a place no problem... well, after 5 call and "No Vacancies" I started to panic. I really thought we were going to sleep in the car. Not to mention NK woke up about this time and was ILL. So crying baby, sleepy mama and daddy, and no place to stay = no beuno!
Needless to say we found a place at the Holiday Isle. It was pool front with a king size bed, the lady at the desk said it would be a loud room, but I didn't care, it was a place to sleep. We got unloaded and Norah Kate was wide awake and we didn't fall asleep until about 4:30... I can't remember the last time I stayed up that late!
We woke up the next morning and went to a breakfast buffet and then to the beach. It was actually cloudy and a little cool (cool on the beach in August? I know, right?) but seriously, the water was FREEZING! Norah Kate LOVED the waves, she would run and chase them and giggle when they splashed her... but after about 30 minutes she wanted to go to the pool. We spent about an hour in the pool then went in to get showers and go for lunch.
We went for supper at the Sunset Grille and it was yummy too, but NK was being WILD. I felt like "that parent" at the restaurant that everyone is staring at. My child was screaming, banging the A1 bottle on the table, throwing stuff on the floor... she was out of control, but we made it through without any injury to self, others, or property :)The next morning we slept in again, and watched TV until check out. It felt so good not to have a schedule or anything to do. We are probably the only people I know that go on vacation and spend most of our time in the room, but Matt really needed that. We packed up, checked out, and went to the outlet malls. It was tax free weekend and everything was having awesome sales so I did some shopping! I got NK some clothes for fall and for next summer for really cheap! Matt also racked up at the Polo outlet.
It was a short, sweet, spontaneous trip, but it was great and we had a blast!
Saturday, July 20, 2013
*18 months*
It is insane to think that my baby is now a toddler and is 18 months old!! Kleenex, anyone? She is so so so smart. I know I shouldn't brag, but it's alright when it's your kid, right?
She is running, jumping, and climbing on everything. This has caused me to have several mini heart attacks. Jumping off the couch, falling down the steps, almost falling off the bed, climbing on the dining room table (you've got to be kidding me <--- thoughts that went through my mind). Luckily, no major injuries, just bumps and bruises. She is just SO rough!
In the last month we have gone to St. George Island to the beach and to Steinhatchee. She has gone on her first boat ride, went swimming in the ocean, had her first viral rash, and has started to pee pee and poop in the potty (not consistently yet, but we are working on it).
I think her eyes might be turning green.
She weighs 25 pounds and I am buying her 24 month or 2T clothes. Big girl.
Norah Kate still has her sassy (paci). I almost had it taken away, except naps and bedtime... but then she got sick and it was the only thing that would keep her calm/happy. Now we are back a square one with weaning her from it.
She has gotten to where she will put her hand down my shirt in public and/or pull my shirt down and say "Boobie!" This is not so cute, especially when she is making me accidentally flash people. The joys of motherhood!
I have kept her on the go a lot this summer, mainly because I think she gets stir crazy at home... but sometimes she thinks we are supposed to always be going somewhere which isn't really easy when I am full time student.
She is going through another clingy phase also. She has to be right on top or under me, but I don't mind. I have learned how to type papers and do research all while she is in my lap.
She is saying everything! She will tell Hoss to "Sit!" and "Good Boy!" When we were at Steinhatchee, she asked the waitress for "snack" and "fries" and "Thank you!" Haha, she is most definitely an independent one. She can pretty much repeat anything (thank goodness I don't have a foul mouth!) and once she learns a word she is really good a remembering what it means. We are working on colors and she can count to five. She missed numbers occasionally but it is so cute because she always adds a "Yay!" on the end. She is starting to sing the words to songs... she was singing Rock a bye to her baby the other day, "Rock a bye in the top" it was so precious! When we say her prayers at night she says "Amen."
My house stays a wreck half the time because she drags out quicker than I can clean up. She is in to everything! Her personality is in full bloom, all of the sweetness and diva-ness, and pure rotten all together. She is more sweet than anything though, but very strong willed... but I have said that from day one. I think we are venturing into the "Terrible 2's." Lord, help. Oh well, with each phase there has definitely been more good than bad and I wouldn't trade it for anything!
I love that little girl more than anything!
She is running, jumping, and climbing on everything. This has caused me to have several mini heart attacks. Jumping off the couch, falling down the steps, almost falling off the bed, climbing on the dining room table (you've got to be kidding me <--- thoughts that went through my mind). Luckily, no major injuries, just bumps and bruises. She is just SO rough!
In the last month we have gone to St. George Island to the beach and to Steinhatchee. She has gone on her first boat ride, went swimming in the ocean, had her first viral rash, and has started to pee pee and poop in the potty (not consistently yet, but we are working on it).
I think her eyes might be turning green.
She weighs 25 pounds and I am buying her 24 month or 2T clothes. Big girl.
Norah Kate still has her sassy (paci). I almost had it taken away, except naps and bedtime... but then she got sick and it was the only thing that would keep her calm/happy. Now we are back a square one with weaning her from it.
She has gotten to where she will put her hand down my shirt in public and/or pull my shirt down and say "Boobie!" This is not so cute, especially when she is making me accidentally flash people. The joys of motherhood!
I have kept her on the go a lot this summer, mainly because I think she gets stir crazy at home... but sometimes she thinks we are supposed to always be going somewhere which isn't really easy when I am full time student.
She is going through another clingy phase also. She has to be right on top or under me, but I don't mind. I have learned how to type papers and do research all while she is in my lap.
She is saying everything! She will tell Hoss to "Sit!" and "Good Boy!" When we were at Steinhatchee, she asked the waitress for "snack" and "fries" and "Thank you!" Haha, she is most definitely an independent one. She can pretty much repeat anything (thank goodness I don't have a foul mouth!) and once she learns a word she is really good a remembering what it means. We are working on colors and she can count to five. She missed numbers occasionally but it is so cute because she always adds a "Yay!" on the end. She is starting to sing the words to songs... she was singing Rock a bye to her baby the other day, "Rock a bye in the top" it was so precious! When we say her prayers at night she says "Amen."
My house stays a wreck half the time because she drags out quicker than I can clean up. She is in to everything! Her personality is in full bloom, all of the sweetness and diva-ness, and pure rotten all together. She is more sweet than anything though, but very strong willed... but I have said that from day one. I think we are venturing into the "Terrible 2's." Lord, help. Oh well, with each phase there has definitely been more good than bad and I wouldn't trade it for anything!
I love that little girl more than anything!
Monday, July 1, 2013
Jacksonville Zoo
On Thursday, June 13, my mama, sister, NK and I packed up and went for a day trip to Jacksonville. I had two things on my to do list for Norah Kate this summer: a trip to the zoo and a trip to the beach. We wanted to do everything before it got too hot, well, we almost waited to long.
We left at about 9:00 for Jacksonville. When we got there it was right around lunch time so we decided to go eat first. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory, and it may seem common sense but the best part of their menu was their cheesecake. Some of you may say, "well duh!" But honestly, I have heard everyone rave about it so much that I thought their food would be good too, but it wasn't that great to me, and I am not a picky eater. Norah Kate was WILD in the restaurant and was wanting to "saush" (salt) everything- which is weird because I rarely salt food at home. She is getting a little more difficult in restaurants because she hates being confined... I learned to not even ask for a high chair and get a booth instead, and ask if they can bring her food our first. One thing we did learn though is that she likes raw tuna. She tore up my sister's tuna!
Anyways, after lunch Mama needed to get something from Pottery Barn so we walked what seemed like 3 miles in the blaring heat to the Pottery Barn. My sister pulled up the weather to see what the high temp was going to be it I think it was something like 96 degrees with 10% chance of rain. Not a cloud in the sky.
We got to the zoo around 2 and Norah Kate kept saying "It's hot." I was like, "Yeah baby, I know." I put her in my stroller, pulled mine and her hair up, and away we went.
The first place we went to was the lions den. I don't think she could see them really well, it was so hot that were laying out in the shade on a rock. Next we went to the giraffes. She LOVED them! That was her favorite part I think. She would pat the rail and say "'Mere boy! C'mon!" She would giggle and squeal. While looking at the giraffes the bottom literally fell our of the sky, it started pouring! At first I was disappointed but then it really cooled us off and ended up being a blessing.
We made our way around the zoo, and Norah Kate walked most of the way. She couldn't really see what was going on when in the stroller. I kept thinking she would get tired and want to be held, but no. She liked the monkeys, the birds, and the otters. She also liked the "Rogs" (frogs). We never saw the elephants, so I was disappointed about that, but they were about to close up and I think had put them up for feeding.
After trekking 3 miles at the mall, then probably 3-5 miles at the zoo, we were tired, hot, and sticky, not to mention hungry. I learned a long time ago to pack snacks, so I gave her a fruit cup and some water and she fell asleep I think before we even pulled out of the parking lot.
She had a blast and really did good! She is an excellent car rider, and can tolerate her car seat for 3+ hours at a time. I was one tired mama though when we got home!
We left at about 9:00 for Jacksonville. When we got there it was right around lunch time so we decided to go eat first. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory, and it may seem common sense but the best part of their menu was their cheesecake. Some of you may say, "well duh!" But honestly, I have heard everyone rave about it so much that I thought their food would be good too, but it wasn't that great to me, and I am not a picky eater. Norah Kate was WILD in the restaurant and was wanting to "saush" (salt) everything- which is weird because I rarely salt food at home. She is getting a little more difficult in restaurants because she hates being confined... I learned to not even ask for a high chair and get a booth instead, and ask if they can bring her food our first. One thing we did learn though is that she likes raw tuna. She tore up my sister's tuna!
Anyways, after lunch Mama needed to get something from Pottery Barn so we walked what seemed like 3 miles in the blaring heat to the Pottery Barn. My sister pulled up the weather to see what the high temp was going to be it I think it was something like 96 degrees with 10% chance of rain. Not a cloud in the sky.
We got to the zoo around 2 and Norah Kate kept saying "It's hot." I was like, "Yeah baby, I know." I put her in my stroller, pulled mine and her hair up, and away we went.
You can tell it was hot and humid because we all had a little "shine" to our face.
She had a blast and really did good! She is an excellent car rider, and can tolerate her car seat for 3+ hours at a time. I was one tired mama though when we got home!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Happy Mother's Day!!
Happy Mother's Day to all those mamas out there!! I hope you all have a GREAT day!
It is still hard to believe that I am considered in this holiday now. Technically this is my third Mother's Day.
My first Mother's day was 2 years ago and I was 7 weeks pregnant. I had a virus/morning sickness/first trimester yuckiness that day and it definitely didn't go as planned. I started running fever that night which terrified me because I knew that "fever" wasn't a sign of pregnancy and I was unsure what I could take for it... Luckily it stayed low grade, but then I started throwing up and was EXHAUSTED. We had planned on announcing our good news that day to my husband's family but I ended up staying in bed all day. Later that night, when I could at least put my feet on the floor, we called his mama and daddy to come over and told them then. Not the big announcement I had in mind, but oh well :) We still got priceless reactions!
Last year was my first technical Mother's Day, and I was working weekend nights then, so again I slept away most of the day....
This year, other than working on a 12-page (yes, 12-page!!!!!) paper for school that is due tonight at midnight... I am going to ENJOY my Mother's Day.
Let me just say that I am one lucky girl, because I surrounded by great mothers. I have two extraordinary grandmothers who are sooo very special. I am fortunate to have close relationships with both of them, and they both played very special roles in my childhood.
I have a wonderful mother-in-law who treats me like one of her own. There has never ever been any weird, judgmental "you're-not-good-enough-for-my-son" mentality EVER. Everyone I meet, when they find out who my in-laws are, they always tell me how fortunate I am... and they are right. My mother-in-law works hard, and is the true matriarch of her family... she is their rock, who keeps everyone in line, and has a heart of gold. She will drop any and everything to be there for her family. Her children, grandchildren, and children-in-laws, should consider themselves lucky :) (and we do!!!)
My mama is my best friend. We have always had a close relationship when I was growing up, but the last few years, she is the one I call on for everything. My mama has always worked so hard to provide for us. She is a Christian woman with an amazing love for the Lord. I really don't think I know of anyone more genuine than my mama. I hope that I can be half as good to Norah Kate and my future children as what she has been to us. One thing I admire most about my mama is that she can find an answer in the Bible for almost any of our problems. She has raised us to be honest, hardworking, and look to the Lord for anything of our concerns. My mama prays for us and with us on a daily basis. She is really a great woman! She is also a great grandmother (Granna, Nina, Nona, Mamie, Mimi, Nana, Ma etc.). She loves Norah Kate so much and is so proud of her.
It is still hard to believe that I am considered in this holiday now. Technically this is my third Mother's Day.
My first Mother's day was 2 years ago and I was 7 weeks pregnant. I had a virus/morning sickness/first trimester yuckiness that day and it definitely didn't go as planned. I started running fever that night which terrified me because I knew that "fever" wasn't a sign of pregnancy and I was unsure what I could take for it... Luckily it stayed low grade, but then I started throwing up and was EXHAUSTED. We had planned on announcing our good news that day to my husband's family but I ended up staying in bed all day. Later that night, when I could at least put my feet on the floor, we called his mama and daddy to come over and told them then. Not the big announcement I had in mind, but oh well :) We still got priceless reactions!
Last year was my first technical Mother's Day, and I was working weekend nights then, so again I slept away most of the day....
This year, other than working on a 12-page (yes, 12-page!!!!!) paper for school that is due tonight at midnight... I am going to ENJOY my Mother's Day.
Let me just say that I am one lucky girl, because I surrounded by great mothers. I have two extraordinary grandmothers who are sooo very special. I am fortunate to have close relationships with both of them, and they both played very special roles in my childhood.
I have a wonderful mother-in-law who treats me like one of her own. There has never ever been any weird, judgmental "you're-not-good-enough-for-my-son" mentality EVER. Everyone I meet, when they find out who my in-laws are, they always tell me how fortunate I am... and they are right. My mother-in-law works hard, and is the true matriarch of her family... she is their rock, who keeps everyone in line, and has a heart of gold. She will drop any and everything to be there for her family. Her children, grandchildren, and children-in-laws, should consider themselves lucky :) (and we do!!!)
My mama is my best friend. We have always had a close relationship when I was growing up, but the last few years, she is the one I call on for everything. My mama has always worked so hard to provide for us. She is a Christian woman with an amazing love for the Lord. I really don't think I know of anyone more genuine than my mama. I hope that I can be half as good to Norah Kate and my future children as what she has been to us. One thing I admire most about my mama is that she can find an answer in the Bible for almost any of our problems. She has raised us to be honest, hardworking, and look to the Lord for anything of our concerns. My mama prays for us and with us on a daily basis. She is really a great woman! She is also a great grandmother (Granna, Nina, Nona, Mamie, Mimi, Nana, Ma etc.). She loves Norah Kate so much and is so proud of her.
Me and my Mama
I am also super blessed to be surrounded by great friends that are wonderful mothers. With all these great examples around me, I am taught something about motherhood everyday and am learning as I go. If a mess this "being a mommy" thing up, it is most definitely not related to the women in my lives, because I am surrounded by some model-mamas!
Becoming a mother myself has taught me countless things, and truly changed a little bit of who I am. When you become a mother, and look into the eyes of that new baby, your world is rocked and your heart changes. It is the best, most incredible feeling. My heart still smiles a little bit every time I wake up in the mornings to Norah Kate calling "Mama" from her crib!
Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind.”
― Howard W. Hunter
― Howard W. Hunter
Thursday, May 2, 2013
This Girl Keeps Me Laughing
This is the result of 2 Krispy Kreme donuts:
Terrified of beach sand, but will play in mud puddles:
"Dancing Queen"
Chatty Kathy
So, my worries for NK having any type of speech delay or issues are now a thing of the past... That little girl is a mocking bird for sure! I counted the other day about 25-30 words that she says consistently and knows the meaning of. She has repeated probably 50+ words on command though!
Here are some words (including names) she is saying all the time:
-Mama, mommy
-Tydur (Tyler)
-Mamie, mammy, mimi, nanniemama (these are my mom, who was supposed to be "Granna") We can ask Norah Kate to say Granna and she tells us "No." She could say it if she wanted to, but she wants to call her something else, so ok.
-Hots (Hoss)
-Eyes, mouth, nose, teeth, toes
-Woof-woof (dog)
-Thank you
-She can repeat almost anything within reason and is picking up new words on a daily basis!
She is already VERY independent. She won't let me fed her anymore and we have a daily battle over the toothbrush becaue she wants to do it but don't do it good enough so I have to take over. There is usually some screaming and tears involved. She has her mama's temper for sure... Oh boy.
NK is the best little mama. Yesterday she was rocking and "shushing" her baby. We can't leave the house without a purse, bracelet, and baby doll.
We have to paint her toenails about 3 times a day on the days I am off... little Diva.
She has also wanted to start wearing my lotion. When I am putting it on after the shower, she has to have some too.
She has started to hit and this is not so cute. We are working on it. She is also a Mine-o-saur, as Matt says. We are working on this also.
When she gets excited she does this little foot stomp and open and closes her hands very fast while making this super excited face.... I wish I could get a picture or video, it is just too cute.
She goes to bed about 9 and wakes up at about 8 or 9.
She still has a paci at naps, car rides, and bedtime....I am trying to get rid of it.
I asked her what her name was the other day and she said "me." Haha!
Norah Kate has been throwing things in the toilet. She threw a candle in the toilet the other day and it got stuck...I thought I was going to have to call the plumber, it took me 3 days to get it out. We have also lost a baby doll to the toilet water :(
She "reads" and I think it is adorable. She also says "1-2-3" but I don't think she knows what they mean, but it is a start. She knows them in that order though!
Maybe it is just me, because she is my baby girl, but I think she is extremely smart.
Here are some words (including names) she is saying all the time:
-Mama, mommy
-Tydur (Tyler)
-Mamie, mammy, mimi, nanniemama (these are my mom, who was supposed to be "Granna") We can ask Norah Kate to say Granna and she tells us "No." She could say it if she wanted to, but she wants to call her something else, so ok.
-Hots (Hoss)
-Eyes, mouth, nose, teeth, toes
-Woof-woof (dog)
-Thank you
-She can repeat almost anything within reason and is picking up new words on a daily basis!
Mama's smart girl :)
She has truly grown from a baby to a toddler and for some reason this is extremely depressing to me.
She is already VERY independent. She won't let me fed her anymore and we have a daily battle over the toothbrush becaue she wants to do it but don't do it good enough so I have to take over. There is usually some screaming and tears involved. She has her mama's temper for sure... Oh boy.
NK is the best little mama. Yesterday she was rocking and "shushing" her baby. We can't leave the house without a purse, bracelet, and baby doll.
We have to paint her toenails about 3 times a day on the days I am off... little Diva.
She has also wanted to start wearing my lotion. When I am putting it on after the shower, she has to have some too.
She has started to hit and this is not so cute. We are working on it. She is also a Mine-o-saur, as Matt says. We are working on this also.
When she gets excited she does this little foot stomp and open and closes her hands very fast while making this super excited face.... I wish I could get a picture or video, it is just too cute.
She goes to bed about 9 and wakes up at about 8 or 9.
She still has a paci at naps, car rides, and bedtime....I am trying to get rid of it.
I asked her what her name was the other day and she said "me." Haha!
She "reads" and I think it is adorable. She also says "1-2-3" but I don't think she knows what they mean, but it is a start. She knows them in that order though!
Maybe it is just me, because she is my baby girl, but I think she is extremely smart.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Pig Scramble
Do you ever have one of those weekends where you think, "wow, that was really a great weekend?"
Well, I had one last weekend. I was off work, yay! I had finished my homework for school, yay! So my schedule was pretty much open.
Saturday morning, I woke up quickly straightened up the house (I had already made up my mind that I wasn't cleaning all day Saturday) and got ready for a fun-filled day. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and the temperature was PERFECT!
I went to a friends house that morning at about 10:30 for a Shrimp and Grits kids clothes party. I could have spent hundreds of dollars on all their cute clothes, but I didn't. I just bought Norah Kate two outfits. I am can not wait for them to come in the mail! I am obsessed with bubbles for her this year for summer. I made a mental note the other day not to buy her another bubble, but so far I am not following this rule very good. I have bought 4 more since I told myself that. It is kinda sad though because I know this will be the last summer that she can wear little outfits like that. Probably by next summer she will be wearing toddler clothes and that stuff will be too "baby."
Well, I had one last weekend. I was off work, yay! I had finished my homework for school, yay! So my schedule was pretty much open.
Saturday morning, I woke up quickly straightened up the house (I had already made up my mind that I wasn't cleaning all day Saturday) and got ready for a fun-filled day. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and the temperature was PERFECT!
I went to a friends house that morning at about 10:30 for a Shrimp and Grits kids clothes party. I could have spent hundreds of dollars on all their cute clothes, but I didn't. I just bought Norah Kate two outfits. I am can not wait for them to come in the mail! I am obsessed with bubbles for her this year for summer. I made a mental note the other day not to buy her another bubble, but so far I am not following this rule very good. I have bought 4 more since I told myself that. It is kinda sad though because I know this will be the last summer that she can wear little outfits like that. Probably by next summer she will be wearing toddler clothes and that stuff will be too "baby."
Then we went to Adel and ate at Hot Diggity Dogs. I was craving a good, juicy hamburger and a Coke. I got Norah Kate a "durger" which is ground hamburger meat on a hotdog bun. I am not usually a big fan of her eating "fast food," but she got a treat Saturday! It was yummmmyy!
We got out lunch to go and went to my mama's for a little while. We played out in the front yard in the sunshine and gave my brother's dog lots of loving. NK smelt to high heavens when we were done, but the dog loved it and it wasn't anything a bath wouldn't fix.
Norah Kate layed down for nap and when she woke up we took her to the Pig Scramble. The Pig Scramble takes place before the county livestock show. It was a blast! I really doesn't get much more country than this! I didn't know how she would react to the pigs, but she LOVED them.
We took her to the pens where they were keeping them prior to the scramble and she wanted in the pen with them. She would pet them and talk to them.
I was going to "register" her for the pig scramble but she was too little. She had a fit when they started. She was climbing up the fence and squealing. She was loving all the excitement. Luckily, we knew several of the people that were managing the event and they took her into the pen. She couldn't catch the pigs but she sure did try. It was so much fun to watch her get excited about touching them!
After the pig scramble we went and saw Matt's mama. We visiting with her for a while and then she watched Norah Kate so that I could go for a run. I ran for about an hour and over 6 miles with my friend Amanda.
It really was a perfect day. It is not very often that I feel like I get everything accomplished that I had planned for the day! It was wonderful!
Sunday was just as great. We went to church, then out to eat, and Matt stayed home with us that afternoon. I got to take a nap, and we watched a movie. We rode around in his truck and checked fields.
We don't have to go anywhere special, or do anything spectacular, just good quality family time and watching my little girl grow up means the most to me!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Spring Forward
I think I am still recovering from losing an hour of sleep the other night, but I am thoroughly enjoying these longer days! It was actually daylight still when I got off work Sunday. I have slept later than normal for the past two mornings, which is frustrating because I really need to be getting up and getting started for the day. Bedtime for Norah Kate hasn't been going as smoothly. Even though she is acting sleepy at 8pm (7pm old time), she is fighting sleep something serious. I have been putting her to bed regardless though at 9pm. If she gets in the habit of staying up until 10 that would be a tough one to break!
We have also finally had some sunshine and warmer weather. We have gone outside every day for the last several days. I am really looking forward to spring and summer days with her because she LOVES being outside, and I do too!
We went to the pediatrician last week to have her ears re-checked from an ear infection a few weeks ago, and her ears were perfect. Now we have a cough. (sigh) Poor baby seems to get a cold with every tooth she cuts.
I have been on a summer clothes buying frenzy for NK. I have got to quit before I go broke. She is so much fun to shop for though! Gymboree, Smocked Auctions, and Zulily are going to end up getting me in trouble! I am not a brand snob though, I will buy something from Walmart in a heartbeat if I think it is cute.
I am so excited about her first Easter! I can't wait to watch her hunt eggs. I am even more excited that I will be off from work to watch her!
I survived my first week of school. It was stressful, but I think it is going to be do-able. I am just going to have to adjust my routine some, manage my time a little better, and priortize things. I am just praying to survive these next 18 months without a nervous breakdown.
We have also finally had some sunshine and warmer weather. We have gone outside every day for the last several days. I am really looking forward to spring and summer days with her because she LOVES being outside, and I do too!
Checkin' on Daddy's greens
We went to the pediatrician last week to have her ears re-checked from an ear infection a few weeks ago, and her ears were perfect. Now we have a cough. (sigh) Poor baby seems to get a cold with every tooth she cuts.
I have been on a summer clothes buying frenzy for NK. I have got to quit before I go broke. She is so much fun to shop for though! Gymboree, Smocked Auctions, and Zulily are going to end up getting me in trouble! I am not a brand snob though, I will buy something from Walmart in a heartbeat if I think it is cute.
I am so excited about her first Easter! I can't wait to watch her hunt eggs. I am even more excited that I will be off from work to watch her!
I survived my first week of school. It was stressful, but I think it is going to be do-able. I am just going to have to adjust my routine some, manage my time a little better, and priortize things. I am just praying to survive these next 18 months without a nervous breakdown.
Miss Priss is truly a little diva and it's all my fault.
I have been painting her toe nails and she loves it.
We read books every day.
She talks on her phone all the time.
She has been making fish faces.
She has learned to "color" (or scribble). I bought her some jumbo crayons yesterday, but I am going to have be careful with this activity so that I don't have a mess.
She loves grapes, strawberries, sweet potatoes, and yogurt.
She will still eat just about anything though... except corn, which I think is wierd.
She is also a little mama; she takes good care of her baby dolls: feeds them, rocks them, and changes their diapers.
She is starting to understand diaper changing. I can tell her to lets change her diaper and she walks to her room and stands at her changing table. I am thinking potty training is around the corner.
She is turning into a monkey and climbing up and on everything. Scary.
Her hair is growing like a weed!
She gave me a heart attack the other morning. She pulled my jewelry armoire on top of her. All she got was a bruise above her left eye and I had the shakes until mid-afternoon.
I am loving life with that little girl. Heart attacks and all :)
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
What Am I Thinking?
Starting March 4 my life as I know it will be changing. Yep, you are looking at one of the newest students at Walden University. My books came in the mail last week and we paid for my classes a few days ago. Yikes! I am a bundle of nerves and this could possibly be the hardest, longest 18 months I have had to endure yet. I am ready though.... for it to be over. Haha!
Walden University is an accredited online school. I am enrolled in their Family Nurse Practitioner program. I should complete the program in 18 months by going full-time. I took a Pathophysiology class a few summers ago while I was pregnant with Norah Kate and luckily those credits transfer! Yay! That saves me a little time and money. Also, I can arrange for all of my clinicals to take place locally. I plan to keep on working for now... we will play it by ear and see how the next few months go.
I don't know if I am quite ready to be back in student mode, especially with a husband, a toddler, and a full time job. When I was going to my Bachelor's it was a completely different story... no husband, no baby... just a boyfriend and a 10-12 hour/week part-time job. I am really nervous about how I am going to balance it all, but I have always been pretty motivated and when I set goals I accomplish them.
#1 Don't lose my mind. I must somehow maintiain my sanity through this.
#2 NOTHING comes before Norah Kate. She is my number 1 priority and it is essential that I don't let anything take away this precious time with her. She is already growing to fast. Even if that means waking up early or staying up late to do schoolwork.
#3 Not go in major debt by taking out tons of student loans.
#4 Finish. Even when it gets tough, when I want to quit, when I want to throw my laptop and books out the window. I can't. We have already invested money, so I have to finish. It's what is best for our family.
Really though, I am excited. I am looking forward to what my future will hold. I have always loved learning and have always loved being a student. This time I just have a couple other obligations and priorities to go along with it. People do it everyday though, with jobs, husbands, kids... If it is anything like that last 18 months, the next 18 months with FLY by.
Walden University is an accredited online school. I am enrolled in their Family Nurse Practitioner program. I should complete the program in 18 months by going full-time. I took a Pathophysiology class a few summers ago while I was pregnant with Norah Kate and luckily those credits transfer! Yay! That saves me a little time and money. Also, I can arrange for all of my clinicals to take place locally. I plan to keep on working for now... we will play it by ear and see how the next few months go.
I don't know if I am quite ready to be back in student mode, especially with a husband, a toddler, and a full time job. When I was going to my Bachelor's it was a completely different story... no husband, no baby... just a boyfriend and a 10-12 hour/week part-time job. I am really nervous about how I am going to balance it all, but I have always been pretty motivated and when I set goals I accomplish them.
My Goals for Graduate School:
#1 Don't lose my mind. I must somehow maintiain my sanity through this.
#2 NOTHING comes before Norah Kate. She is my number 1 priority and it is essential that I don't let anything take away this precious time with her. She is already growing to fast. Even if that means waking up early or staying up late to do schoolwork.
#3 Not go in major debt by taking out tons of student loans.
#4 Finish. Even when it gets tough, when I want to quit, when I want to throw my laptop and books out the window. I can't. We have already invested money, so I have to finish. It's what is best for our family.
Really though, I am excited. I am looking forward to what my future will hold. I have always loved learning and have always loved being a student. This time I just have a couple other obligations and priorities to go along with it. People do it everyday though, with jobs, husbands, kids... If it is anything like that last 18 months, the next 18 months with FLY by.
Rain, Rain Go Away
For the last two weeks I think it has been raining more than the sun shining. It has been the prettiest on the days I am working of course. We have spent the majority of our days going stir crazy, staying in our pjs for most of the day and seeing how much we can string and strow the house.
On rainy days, I pick up the house just for it to get messy and I sweep the floors just for mud to be tracked back in. Schools have been cancelled due to the roads being so messed up.
Our pond is over flowing. I am grateful for this though because we will need all that water for irrigation in the summertime.
Yesterday you could have whitewater rafted down our driveway. Now there are just big ruts and washouts.
The sun is supposed to come back out this afternoon, praise the Lord. I am ready to get my run on! (If I can get out of my driveway!)
On rainy days, I pick up the house just for it to get messy and I sweep the floors just for mud to be tracked back in. Schools have been cancelled due to the roads being so messed up.
Our pond is over flowing. I am grateful for this though because we will need all that water for irrigation in the summertime.
Yesterday you could have whitewater rafted down our driveway. Now there are just big ruts and washouts.
The sun is supposed to come back out this afternoon, praise the Lord. I am ready to get my run on! (If I can get out of my driveway!)
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
The Bottomless Pit
My child eats, and eats, and eats, and eats some more.
I pack her lunches for the babysitter and she eats everything I pack, plus she begs for more from the babysitter and the babysitter's little girl.
I feed her lunch, then her and I eat my lunch. Same thing goes for all other meals.
She is like a bottomless pit!
Matt and I were discussing the other day if we feed her too much? I should have known, because she was the one that was still breastfeeding every 2-3 hours when all the "books" said it should only be 3-4 times a day.
Oh well, I love those little chunky thighs. She is perfectly healthy. The majority of the stuff she eats is healthy. I keep Cutie Clementines, bananas, and apple sauce in the pantry at all times. She really is not picky at all. According to the growth charts, she is right on track. I was always really chunky as a toddler then was always very petite from elementry school and up.
I pack her lunches for the babysitter and she eats everything I pack, plus she begs for more from the babysitter and the babysitter's little girl.
I feed her lunch, then her and I eat my lunch. Same thing goes for all other meals.
She is like a bottomless pit!
Matt and I were discussing the other day if we feed her too much? I should have known, because she was the one that was still breastfeeding every 2-3 hours when all the "books" said it should only be 3-4 times a day.
Oh well, I love those little chunky thighs. She is perfectly healthy. The majority of the stuff she eats is healthy. I keep Cutie Clementines, bananas, and apple sauce in the pantry at all times. She really is not picky at all. According to the growth charts, she is right on track. I was always really chunky as a toddler then was always very petite from elementry school and up.
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